Spokane NAACP Leader Is Pretending to Be Black, According to Her Parents

The Hawk

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Jan 21, 2014
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Quote Originally Posted by The Hawk View Post
In your mind there is. For every example of it(white privilege) I can name examples of black privilege.

go for it

Oh please. The absolute luckiest person in the world is a reasonably smart Black woman in the United States. Everything is stacked in her favor.

Obviously that screwy woman in Washington knew all about it so she "became" black. Now, through some convoluted liberal logic, she is now a political force. I watched some dingbat balck liberal waxing poetic that he admired this woman for wanting to be a part of the "black experience"? Wonderful.

What ever happened to the United States and the precept that ALL MEN ARE CREATED EQUAL? Seems like many black believe that they should be given everything because of past inequities by people many generations ago. Many of those inequities by the way were rained down on them by other black people.

I think that it is up to black people to bring themselves up out of the muck and mire that they have settled for. The notion of a welfare culture has rested in a lot of the black community. The notion that white people are the devil and whites owe them their livelihood. I say **** that. I say that ONLY the truly disabled should be taken care of by the government. If able, all American people should work for whatever money their job is worth. No fucking free lunch for anyone.

It is amazing how poor asian people coming to this country don't complain. Just work their tails off. They scrimp and save and educate their children and guess what. They end up being good citizens and succesfull in the process. There is a doughnut shop in my town. Its owners are Vietnamese. The whole family works and they start working at roughly 4 AM and close at 3 PM. Seven days a week. They go to our church and are about the nicest and friendliest people you could ever meet. They started out in their business via a loan given to them from their local Vietnamese community. Now they are living the American dream. They are over-joyed being here and having the opportunity to practice their faith and not be attacked and brainwashed by the Communist regime that they fled.

There are a lot of good black leaders who are trying to get their communities to understand this but the Al Sharptons, Maxine Waters, Jesse, and the Obamas rhetoric overwhelms their efforts. It is so much easier to ***** about your lot in life and not work your ass off to pull yourself up out of the swamp. **** that!

The Hawk

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All I can say is that she was ugly as a white woman and her attempt to be a black woman didn't improve her looks either.


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Quote Originally Posted by The Hawk View Post
In your mind there is. For every example of it(white privilege) I can name examples of black privilege.

go for it

When a ****** is too stupid to use the quote function, there is no way I will ever read his six paragraph manifesto on race.

mikita's helmet

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Dec 10, 2014
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doug williams son was quarterback at some point as well i believe..doug williams was also head coach..go figure

Sounds like a legacy issue. I usually view legacies as affirmative action for white folks. Dumb-**** white boy gets into ivy league school cuz daddy and grandpa went there and donated money to the fine institution


While affirmative action policies for students of color have been the subject of countless books, lawsuits, and voter initiatives, much less attention has been paid to legacy preferences, which benefit a larger number of students. It’s time for the scrutiny to increase and the policies to end.

Rewarding birth rather than merit is un-American and possibly illegal.
Legacy preferences provide the equivalent of a 160 point boost on the math and verbal SATs, not the “tiebreaker” that many universities claim . These preferences disproportionately benefit wealthy white students, providing, in essence, affirmative action for the rich.

Legacy preference began after World War I, in part as a way to screen out Jewish applicants. In more recent years, they’ve been justified as a method for inducing alumni giving, but a recent study of the nation’s 100 top universities found that when controlling for relevant factors, the existence of a legacy preference is not associated with increased generosity.

By rewarding birth rather than merit, legacy preferences are un-American, and yet they are also uniquely American, rarely found in other leading universities across the globe. In other walks of life, we would consider it absurd to add points to a candidate’s application based on lineage, and legacies in higher education may soon come to an end as well.

If the Supreme Court curtails the ability of universities to use racial affirmative action, as many expect, there will be new pressure to end preference for the offspring of alumni. Lawyers are already promising to challenge legacy preference in the courts as an unconstitutional relic of the past.

As Gene Nichol, former president of the College of William & Mary has observed, why, in an admissions process that is supposed to be about merit, are we still asking applicants, "Who is your Daddy?"


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Nov 9, 2014
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I feel like I missed some posts here

Well, Hawk wanted everyone to know how utterly dastardly Bill Clinton was for getting a hummer in the WH and equivocating about it....

Oh, and I like/d him bc I don't have teh logicz.


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This thread clearly needs less of this....


and more of this...

mikita's helmet

CCS Donator
Dec 10, 2014
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Anacortes, WA via Glenview, IL
This thread clearly needs less of this....


and more of this...
fontline_clayton_bigsby_black_mane_a_white_supremi  st1.png

Ask and ye shall receive!

