So, this was a bit over 3 years ago now. I was a sophomore in college(at Georgia Tech).
We(me and some people in my fraternity) were at the Gatech athletic fields throwing around the frisbee. We had just finished an intramural game, and lost by a sizable margin if I remember correctly(we weren't very good), and we wanted to practice a little. Although it was more fucking around than actually practicing.
Then, some dude wearing shades, a chick, and a guy with a video camera come up to us.
Mr. shades asks us, "Y'all want to be a in a rap video?"
We looked at each other and were like "**** it, why not".
So the shades dude tried to direct us a bit. He wanted us to "act natural" and just throw the frisbee around while he and this chick got real close to each other. I guess we were helping paint the background,so to speak. We also walked behind him at one point,threw up our hands, and did a "street" pose or whatever. As a group of mostly white college kids still sweaty in our intramural jerseys, this whole thing was fucking hilarious.
And like I said, it was just him, this chick, and a dude with the camera. Nothing else.Filming maybe took like 30 minutes. Afterwards, he was like "Y'all gon' be on worldstar!".
Turns out the shades dude was OG Maco, a rapper from Atlanta who got big after making a song while drunk called "***** u guessed it"(it was a relatively big song around 2014). He was making a video for a song called "Love in the City"(about Atlanta obviously), which I guess needed Georgia Tech kids throwing a frisbee on the campus athletic fields. He also did some filming at the Varsity(which is an Atlanta staple, and also sucks).
Video is below, because I figured y'all would ask. Not a fan of the song.