<blockquote class="ipsBlockquote" data-author="Forklift" data-cid="218355" data-time="1388778037">
One fuckup wipes out 10 attaboys.</p>
I prefer to look at it as a trend. Keith, who made some fuckups on-par with Sharp's early on in the year, has gone into Norris-mode. Sharp's ****-up (a near perfect copy of the playoffs against Phoenix right down to 4-aside) had a bit of a historical precedent--if it didn't i wouldn't have wanted to throw a brick at my TV.</p>
Either way the core of the team: Towes, Keith, Sharp, Hossa, Kane, & Seabs; you expect them to fuckup less than all the other players, and not at critical moments--further, I tend to call it like I see it with respect to responsibility on the team. In this case Sharp > Bickell or Oduya.</p>
Maybe I'm wrong for seeing it as such. But still, He comes out tonight and tears the shit out of the Devils this will be as forgotten as Bronson Pinchot's career.</p>