Seabrook is on the ice at practice this morning.
Everyone is out there but Kopy.
Thanks RK, for the update. Glad Seebs is skating and speedy recovery for Kopy.
I just got finished reading the last 6 pages of the thread of game five and looking at some video's and pics of the intended to hurt hits that Bolland and Borwy got...just adds fuel to the Hawks for game 6...again the NHL doesn't want to do anything about it in my books thats fixing this series, because why would Ryan from the Ducks get suspended for kicking a Nashville player in the playoffs but they seem to overlook every cheat shot intended to hurt us. I am sorry they are trying to make this a series, cause they know if they suspend, Beiksa and Hamfuck! and Torres, series over Hawks move on. That is the only logical reason I see. Again agree with me or not. After seeing all those cheap hits, there is no excuse.
I have grown to hate the Nucks more then the Wings sorry guys, but to me there is a difference between the hate of the Nucks and Wings. Nucks are just plain cheap hacks, ala Pistons of the 80's and the Nicks of the 90's. Wing's hate is just that they are good. GOOO Hawks and Please RK bring home a winner!