Sour grapes maybe, or maybe he was just having a little fun. I'm going to guess you don't watch NASCAR. Daugherty is often facetious with his commentary. Plus if you listen to it, you can tell he's not being 100% serious.
And his response to a possible fine was a joke too.
Why can't it be both? And people don't speak of the feelings jokingly?
That is the way he feels, he is a Cleveland Cavalier after all. He called the officiating "horrible" in the same promo.
I don't have a problem with it. Never said whether it was right or wrong. If it didn't involve Lebron or Cleveland, he most likely wouldn't have said anything at all.
Just called it like I see it. I do understand where you are coming from...sour grapes tho.
And its funny how certain people who spoke of the worldwide leader being pro-lebron...fishes for and posts anti-Lebron video and articles. Again, more irony.