Then you aren't paying attention as the OP laid out several reasons to hire him.
The bold are all reasons he would be a good choice that have nothing to do with BC or Minny.
Hahaha i see one good reason in the bold and that's that he will bring accountability and discipline which are things i always said were the good things that come with him. But can he bring that without being a dictator is a question.
I don't think any HC, especially one that hasn't proven he can be a good HC yet, will be holding any ownership or front office accountable. I actually thought that was funny when i read that.
I also don't need Flores teaching Caleb anything, he needs to be the HC and put his hands on what he knows which is defense and let the OC and the offensive coaches teach Caleb. His resume for handling QB's isn't very good so lets just leave that for the offensive coaches.
You also do realize he has multiple red flags that come with hiring Flores as well right?
I also never said he didn't have some good things, only that you seem to be forgetting about all the bad things.