The causes of Football Stupid, per Bernstein


Well-known member
Nov 28, 2012
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Last time I answer. Why do you think I care what you say? What you think? You grossly overestimate your importance.

There's nothing TO see. And you are no one to me. This is an internet messageboard. One where trolls run free. You happen to be one douche on a messageboard. That's really all you are.

I have my own life, my own wife and kids, my own family and friends, etc.

You really think YOU are going to make me question anything about myself?


The only thing I see is that it sucks that CCS is the most active place for Bears talk and yet also happens to be troll central. I've seen in my decades here any number of normal people who have come here to talk bears run off by the troll crews, wondering what the fuck is wrong with this place.

I know exactly where I am at, what this place is, and the function it serves for me.

If you think this impacts my real life in any way, or that your opinion matters, you are the one who needs help.

So please, keep overestimating your importance. And keep underestimating my ability to fuck with you all for my own amusement.
I have no dog in this fight, just been reading for entertainment, but this is the hardest I've ever seen someone work to pretend like they aren't bothered.

It's dripping with desperation.


CCS Hall of Fame '20
Aug 20, 2012
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Last time I answer. Why do you think I care what you say? What you think? You grossly overestimate your importance.

There's nothing TO see. And you are no one to me. This is an internet messageboard. One where trolls run free. You happen to be one douche on a messageboard. That's really all you are.

I have my own life, my own wife and kids, my own family and friends, etc.

You really think YOU are going to make me question anything about myself?


The only thing I see is that it sucks that CCS is the most active place for Bears talk and yet also happens to be troll central. I've seen in my decades here any number of normal people who have come here to talk bears run off by the troll crews, wondering what the fuck is wrong with this place.

I know exactly where I am at, what this place is, and the function it serves for me.

If you think this impacts my real life in any way, or that your opinion matters, you are the one who needs help.

So please, keep overestimating your importance. And keep underestimating my ability to fuck with you all for my own amusement.

Sir your dumpster is on fire.


Well-known member
Aug 20, 2012
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Honestly, yes. Do you understand how burdensome it is to always post something of interest? It's tough. Sometimes I wonder if my CCS life would be much easier if I were a mouth-breathing jackass like you.
See, I appreciate others input and at times challenge the posts. I don’t need to be a dick like you and your clique, that comes naturally to you and your clique.
