And you're assuming that japanesse players follow everything going on in the MLB. Maybe they do, maybe they don't but your projecting your feelings on to him. Also, you're assuming he's not the type of person who wants to turn a loser into a winner. There are those types. Not everyone's a Lebron.
Goes both ways. You are assuming that he will want to come over and change the culture.
I'll just say that is wishful thinking.
The A's and the O's have a better shot based off of their post season appearances vs the Cubs smacking a 3 for 90 loss.
If the Cubs were a play off team (even in 2010 this could have been reasonable) then I would also believe the Cubs had a solid shot at getting him.
Let me put it thus way. If he signs. How many wins do you expect out of him with the current line up? 10-12 I'll bet. So he would go from 24-0 to 10-15.
Now I can see it now. Japanese talent is weaker than American talent. Now before you get all crazy and start tossing out saber this and that. Most fans don't give a shit about that stuff. That is just nerd talk. This would be more like comparing a Ford to a Honda. Nothing to do with the quality just American chest puffing.
I believe the pecking order will be:
1. Yanks: Ichrio connect and lets face it they are what baseball should be about. No matter how you spin it they are a icon.
2. Dodgers. Lets be real they are 2nd only to the Yanks in many things.
3. Seattle. Again Ichrio connect. Have had a connection to Japanese talent. They have been spending to fund a winner. Team sale or not.
Any other team that has a need and has been in the play off hunt. I would put Phi, A's, O's, Rangers. I might even think that the Braves might kick the tires.
Pirates are doubtful. Cards doubtful. Reds doubtful. Bosox are looking to shed a starter.
So again looking at it from a going from a winner perspective. There are plenty of choices going on that far outweigh what the Cubs have to offer.
I'll impose my belief now though. The only way they sign him is if his best offer is say 120 mil and the Cubs make him a 200 mil off. Then ya that would pull him in.