The Walking Dead


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CCS Hall of Fame '21
Aug 21, 2012
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TWD is ending with a thud similar to that of GoT.

I already watched the upcoming episode. It actually advances the story somewhat.
Nothing notable, pretty blah... but it least it wasnt about people crawling through a house in loincloths.


This place is dead and buried.
CCS Hall of Fame '21
Aug 21, 2012
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I hope they go all 80s horror with it and Eugene dies shortly after FINALLY getting laid.

Also...I didn't hate the feral humanoid things as much as the rest of you, but thought they half-assed it by giving them enough modesty to cover their genitals. If they had been running around buck naked with excrement all over the place...I would have been more impressed.

If those things were in a movie as a jump scare, I wouldnt care.
...But why? To everything about them. Why?
Why live in a house with hollow walls and sliding secret trap doors only to crawl weaponless after trapped prey that is holding a big ass knife?
How the fuck do people live an entire decade like that?

It ended virgils arc which was pointless in the grand scheme aside from Michonne finding evidence of rick near his base.. and he wasnt needed for that.
Connies survival and trip back to the group was impressive and dangerous enough without that episode.

It was a filler episode with no point, And with only 1 season to wrap things up, that sucks.

Penny Traitor

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Aug 21, 2012
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...But why? To everything about them.

This episode was directed by Greg Nicatro, who I think was shooting for a bit of the "horror movie in a horror movie" thing. I agree the execution and timing was kind of subpar, but it was still better than another "soul searching" episode or more neutered Negan that has lost his "people are a reasource" mantra that made him more interesting than most antagonists.

(I still really want Maggie to crack his skull in)

It ended virgils arc which was pointless


My wife hated that dude and was convinced that if he made it back to The Survivors, he was going to do something crazy heinous like drug little Judith she was thrilled.

It was a filler episode with no point

I mean it at least reunited the hearing impaired sisters and shook up Daryl pretty bad, but I can't argue it was 90% filler.


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I hope they go all 80s horror with it and Eugene dies shortly after FINALLY getting laid.

Also...I didn't hate the feral humanoid things as much as the rest of you, but thought they half-assed it by giving them enough modesty to cover their genitals. If they had been running around buck naked with excrement all over the place...I would have been more impressed.

Parts of me didn't hate it. Because the show has grown stale in so many ways, seeing something new was refreshing in a way. I've gotten used to looking at my phone, etc. during the zombie fighting scenes. They get swarmed, shoot/stab the zombies vigorously, then stare at each other in silence after they kill them all in 2 minutes. It's not interesting... But this episode at least kept my eyes on the screen so I can see what the fuck was going on.

But the way they did it was just weird/corny/random. Cannibals herding people to a house to eat them? Cool, I can get behind that. Weird ass people crawling like demons from a horror flick? Makes no sense. Now, if they were like in a psych ward with crazy people, that would have explained why they were so fuckin weird and I personally would have been more okay with it because it would have explained the behavior of those people.


CCS Hall of Fame
CCS Hall of Fame '19
Aug 21, 2012
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Parts of me didn't hate it. Because the show has grown stale in so many ways, seeing something new was refreshing in a way. I've gotten used to looking at my phone, etc. during the zombie fighting scenes. They get swarmed, shoot/stab the zombies vigorously, then stare at each other in silence after they kill them all in 2 minutes. It's not interesting... But this episode at least kept my eyes on the screen so I can see what the fuck was going on.

But the way they did it was just weird/corny/random. Cannibals herding people to a house to eat them? Cool, I can get behind that. Weird ass people crawling like demons from a horror flick? Makes no sense. Now, if they were like in a psych ward with crazy people, that would have explained why they were so fuckin weird and I personally would have been more okay with it because it would have explained the behavior of those people.

Or if they had been confined to the ventilation shafts and so needed to move like that.

By some kind of interesting sadistic mastermind who, and this is really important, has no grey area whatsoever. He's as black of a villain as they come and you just get to root for your protagonists to triumph/escape.

TWD and many shows have gone way too deep into this "No one is a hero/villain, everyone is a shade of grey, all the time."

I turn on my shows to be entertained.... not to need a psych degree to determine if each character is morally "good" enough for me to consider them a protagonist, or morally "bad" enough for me to consider them an antagonist.

I miss the days of "Oh man, when Rick finds out.... these dudes are fuuuuuuuuuukt"


Señor Member
Aug 25, 2012
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your point was invalid and your post was pointless.
Great, your point was postless and invalid then? If you insist on trying to rip people, learn English first.


This place is dead and buried.
CCS Hall of Fame '21
Aug 21, 2012
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Parts of me didn't hate it. Because the show has grown stale in so many ways, seeing something new was refreshing in a way. I've gotten used to looking at my phone, etc. during the zombie fighting scenes. They get swarmed, shoot/stab the zombies vigorously, then stare at each other in silence after they kill them all in 2 minutes. It's not interesting... But this episode at least kept my eyes on the screen so I can see what the fuck was going on.

But the way they did it was just weird/corny/random. Cannibals herding people to a house to eat them? Cool, I can get behind that. Weird ass people crawling like demons from a horror flick? Makes no sense. Now, if they were like in a psych ward with crazy people, that would have explained why they were so fuckin weird and I personally would have been more okay with it because it would have explained the behavior of those people.

The psyche ward angle would have been a great short arc early on.

There was a book i loved as a kid called Swan Song.
Post apocalypse nuclear war style.

A couple of the main characters passed through a town where ex psyche inmates set up shop in a k-mart and fuck with people coming to scavenge.


Well-known member
Aug 20, 2012
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"On the Inside"
The 80's horror film ep was not that good. As a horror fan, I was pretty bored.

"Promises Broken"
The last ep was alright. Had a good flow to it. Short bits on everyone, good character rooted stuff. I enjoyed it.

I like the angle of Gabriel being interested in the Reapers faith guy talking to God. The Negan and Maggie honest talk. I was surprised when Negan said he would change things... he would have killed them all. lol I had to run it back and replay it. Did I hear that right?

What ya think of what Negan said? Does it fit who he is? Did we just really not know who he really is now?
Last edited:


This place is dead and buried.
CCS Hall of Fame '21
Aug 21, 2012
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"On the Inside"
The 80's horror film ep was not that good. As a horror fan, I was pretty bored.

"Promises Broken"
The last ep was alright. Had a good flow to it. Short bits on everyone, good character rooted stuff. I enjoyed it.

I like the angle of Gabriel being interested in the Reapers faith guy talking to God. The Negan and Maggie honest talk. I was surprised when Negan said he would change things... he would have killed them all. lol I had to run it back and replay it. Did I hear that right?

What ya think of what Negan said? Does it fit who he is? Did we just really not know who he really is now?

If he was going for honesty, that sounded 100 percent honest.

Leaving them all alive was the pebble that kicked off the avalanche of his downfall.
He kills all of them...which he should have done given that they wiped out the satellite station unprovoked...he would have been fine.

I like that he called her out on her bullshit- the look on her face when he told her he knew where Gracie came from was awesome.

Maggie in some ways is just as cold as negan..I doubt she will admit it though.
Negan sure sees it, and I think he may realize she will kill him in a heartbeat if he doesn't give her a reason not to.

As for father gabriel- had a hard time reading his reaction.
Did he not kill the guy because he didn't think it was right to kill someone while they were praying?
Was it because he is starting another patented TWD soul searching phase...seeing a religious dude go batshit killer and wondering if he is headed down the same road?

I didn't read anything more in to it than "he couldn't get him quietly enough" until he lied later and said he didn't see anyone.

I wonder if the mention of the satellite station by maggie/negan was purposeful to Gabriel's situation as well.
After all, at the station Gabriel executed that dude at the station that called him and his religiousness out.


Huevos Rancheros
Mar 11, 2015
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Watched the two most recent episodes last night.

The horror movie one was entertaining to me. I don't watch horror movies though, so it was just a fun departure from the typically mundane twd episodes I have come to expect.

Using whisper tactics against new enemies is an interesting way to turn the tide when you're outnumbered. Maggie and Neegan just need to fuck already and get over it.


Well-known member
Aug 20, 2012
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I like that he called her out on her bullshit- the look on her face when he told her he knew where Gracie came from was awesome.

What was significant about Negan knowing where Gracie came from. I know where she came from.

As for father gabriel- had a hard time reading his reaction.
Did he not kill the guy because he didn't think it was right to kill someone while they were praying?
Was it because he is starting another patented TWD soul searching phase...seeing a religious dude go batshit killer and wondering if he is headed down the same road?

I didn't read anything more in to it than "he couldn't get him quietly enough" until he lied later and said he didn't see anyone.

I wonder if the mention of the satellite station by maggie/negan was purposeful to Gabriel's situation as well.
After all, at the station Gabriel executed that dude at the station that called him and his religiousness out.
I really didn't know either. Well, the thought crossed my mind, but it wasn't conclusive. But I watched the after-show discussion thing with the director and she said gabriel didn't kill him because it appeared he was hearing from God, something gabriel misses.


This place is dead and buried.
CCS Hall of Fame '21
Aug 21, 2012
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What was significant about Negan knowing where Gracie came from. I know where she came from.

I really didn't know either. Well, the thought crossed my mind, but it wasn't conclusive. But I watched the after-show discussion thing with the director and she said gabriel didn't kill him because it appeared he was hearing from God, something gabriel misses.

Maggie tore in to negan about wht he did to Glenn and abraham- that they had loved ones.
Negan mentioned the outpost, and that they had loved ones.
Maggie said they didn't have children, although she knew very well rick killed gracies dad when he was trying to protect her.

Maggie was full of shit making that claim and trying to high road negan, and negan rightly called her on it.


This place is dead and buried.
CCS Hall of Fame '21
Aug 21, 2012
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I have been bored over the past couple weeks and finally decided to watch "world beyond".

The characters and personal drama suck. I hope they all get chomped.

There are semi spoilers ahead, in the most general of terms.
Not wrapping it with spoiler tags cuz I am on my phone in the sitter, and besides, if you havent watched it yet then you probably don't care much about it.

The infrastructure part is interesting.
The crm for the most part is a fully functional modern society with the exception of cell phones. They do have land lines though.

The crm base actively draws in walkers and kills them.
They also can mobilize mega hordes for destruction.

The part that bugs me is that there are settlements they work with that are all in great shape, have food and power, and are basically whooping the shit out of Alexandria at its best.

It is a bizarre comparison to see hilltop, the saviors, Alexandria, oceanside... little shitholes that self destruct early, and then see these massive metropolitan areas humming along just fine.

The crm is among the cities but isolated and controlling. But it appears the crm wasn't the source of their success. The crm came to them as is.

Quite honestly all the settlements appear to be far more advanced than the commonwealth, which kind of cheapens the last storyline in twd.

The crm is looking for a fix for the zombies- addressing the lack of decomposition and looking for a way to kick that in to gear.
beyond that they are catching walkers and implanting them with trackers and biofeedback and setting them loose to track how they respond to stimulus.
It is interesting to see that world, but honestly it kind of cheapens the buildup to the commonwealth.

It all has to tie together by the end of the run- rick has been captive or working with the crm for 8 years or so, and they have to shut it all down in some form.
Who knows if the movies are still a thing.

It is an interesting world they built, but the characters and execution is painful to watch.
Who knows what info I missed fast forwarding past the trite character growth scenes.
