So I've been doing madcows again, trying to build my strength back up. Still being sick has made me not able to recover like I used to, and I'm topped out way prior to where I was before. My bench is still doing well would be doing 240x3 today, my deadlift is ok, hit 365 for a double wednesday, my squat sucks would be doing 265x3 today but I'm feeling so beat up that I'm going to skip today.
Going to deload next week, then the following week I'm going to start 5/3/1, most likely Boring but Big, but still undecided... might do the bodybuilding accessory lifts.
My only goal since the day I stopped taking the prednisone was to get back to where I was, but I've decided that's a bullshit goal. I didn't get to where I was by saying I want to look like this and lift this weight and that's it.
So I've reevaluated and starting over with tangible goals. Right now I want to pull 405x3 by the end of this year. Daunting as it sounds (didn't budge 385 Wednesday) that's my aim right now. If this goal is met, I'm shooting for 500lb pull in 2013 should I not get real sick again or die. I don't give a **** what I weigh, that's what I want to pull by Dec. 31st.