*facepalm* PRODUCTION. That's the point. Was he productive last season? Yes. Are you not reading?
Are you reading as well? His year last year STILL wasn't worth the money he was paid. There is a reason 31 other teams passed on him.
Yes it is. He wasn't supposed to come here to be the ace. In fact he was supposed to be third behind Mark & John, possibly even behind Gavin. That's how I looked at it. Your 4th starter is not supposed to win 15 games. What do you think we are, the Braves in the 90s?
15 wins isn't really "ace" material. Maybe your expectations are poor because of how bad our offense is.
I'm not trying to change your opinion just proving there's another side to this coin. You're free to think whatever you want...
Please. You've got to be kidding me if you thought bringing a big left handed bat with power to this side of town when we NEEDED it was an "okay" move :smh:
Sure, it was needed but that doesn't mean I was excited about Dunn. He isn't a complete player, even besides this year. Not every Sox fan was jumping for joy when we got him.
...So you reneg on your last statement that he would be a good pitcher on the White Sox or what? Contradicting yourself isn't helping...
No, you didn't read my response correctly. I was pointing out how bad our offense is because of the moves KW has made. With how poor the offense is, perhaps 15 wins is insane.
No not anybody, Gio would. What is it with you people pulling different players into this? Obviously Oakland has a pitcher's park. He wouldn't be able to pull off 134 hits & only 11 home runs in our ballpark. Be serious.
lol you're acting like Gio was ready to be an ace on this squad. Stop making him Cy Gonzalez...
Once again, Gio + Hudson + the $$$ we would still have from Peavy's contract = a much better situation then we are in now.
Aren't you one of the people calling for the entire staff to be fired now all of a sudden Coop is a pitching God who can make any young pitcher incredible? lolwhat?
Once again, reading is a great thing. I said if people want to make Ozzie and Walker the scape goats, I would be okay with it. Personally, my ideal offseason would be KW and Walker being fired. I don't blame Ozzie for a lot of things because he is trying to a manage a team that isn't tailored to what he wants. Obviously, Cooper is a great pitching coach. Learn to read.
Actuality > Potentiality. You don't know how those pitchers would have panned out. They could've turned out just like Clayton Richard, which isn't good by the way.
Which is why I never bring up Richards. And I don't think that any "actuality" would have turned out worse then what Peavy has done for this ball club, on the field, off the field and financially.
27 HR & 81 RBI's is what you call DONE? You're a joke dude. Nobody else signed Scott Podsednik when the Rockies released him but Kenny and it was because of HIS bat that we went on those win streaks last season. I like how you keep ignoring this.
Yes, JD was and is DONE. Why isn't he playing ball anymore, if he is so good? My gawd, this is hilarious.
My position is weak? You already contradicted yourself once and then you bring that sorry ass "this is the internet" argument out. You can do better than that, at least for your sake I hope you can...
I haven't contradicted myself, you are just having trouble reading.
lol really? Viciedo > Quentin? I almost wanna quit after this. You've got to be kidding me...
Once again, I never said Viciedo was better then Quentin. And I could be wrong there, he might just be better but we won't know until the kid is given an opportunity to play.
You completely dodged the point. Nice one.
You have to make a point for it to be dodged.
.500 with a couple series left against the division leaders next month and only 5 games out isn't "very negative-looking". Yet another person who counts their chickens before they hatch. All of you assume everything and never let anything happen. That's probably why you're so dismal now.
Hahahaha. Okay, stay "all in" if you want. It doesn't mean that other people can't look at this roster and see that as completely underachieving.
What did SF do over the past 3 seasons that is SO much better than our moves?
Philly signed Doc & Cliff, two pitchers that weren't coming here anyway.
They sign and re-sign players that actually contribute to a team? They have very good minor league systems so they can compliment those signings with solid, young players? I know that's a foreign concept to most Sox fans because we haven't seen that in awhile, but that is how good baseball teams do business, not by gambling away everything and hoping they get lucky.
This coming from someone who talked about how me calling out the fans was a "fail"