No, but really, I watched two almost 2.5 seasons till dey lost me. It just got ridiculous.... AA did everything....
If youre interested in a rival theory, that Im more comfortable with, Graham Hancock has written many books on origin of civilizations. Id recommend, the Fingerprints of the Gods, Hancock has appered two or three times on AA, but he wasnt talking about his works.
He writes, that the knowledge of the Ancients wasnt given to us by was inherited, from much older civilizations. The Ancient Egyptians inspired Christianity and 5000BC the Egyptians were already well established, how did they get like that? Hancock and his colleagues believe the pyramids at Giza, to be much more older than 5000BC...... Hancock and his colleagues go as back as 12500BC.....12000.... using Precession and some forms of dating on the Sphinx, which Hancock states is atleast 10K years old.
The way he and his colleagues date these is by Precession... of the Equinoxes, that is. I am toofuckin high and lazy righhnow to even try to explain it, but ithas to do with the constellations in realtion to these monuments and following the path of stars, which, is fixed, except for Precession, which marks the equinoxes......
Pyramids in Giza, Mexico, Cambodia, Easter Island are made to mirror constellations in the sky; Orion Draco, the Milky way, that is true........ I just two days ago read one of Hancocks latest, its called, Heavens mirror. Good stuff.
Anyway in his other book, Fingerprints of the Gods, Hancock proposes his theory of the great knowledge of the Ancients.....he satates, that there was an advanced civilization that was destroyed by tha last Ice Age and other cataclysms..... they got out of the home and survivors landed all over the globe teaching and building monumets, and all the ancient kniwledge that we attribute to the Aztecs, Maya, Egyptians is actually handed down knowledge from an earlier much more ancient and much more advanced civilization..... And he states that you can find traces of this once great ancient civilzation... tens of hundreds of miles beneathe the Antarctic Ice Cap :/
Spoiled the book for you there... but their is evidence that 10-15K years ago Antarctica was located more to the equator...