Yeah, that's it. That's the ticket. Everyone who wants to keep the right to bear arms is an illiterate hick. Those of us who worry about the government infringing upon that right are just plain stupid wackos.
Come on man, look at it like this:
You have two guns, if the 'government' showed up at your door to take them from you, they would show up with 40 SWAT members and 20 patrol officers. All of whom have just as many if not more guns and ammo than you do. They are going to succeed, you are not.
Now, consider this on a nationwide scale. It is estimated that there are about 80 million gun owners in America with a combining total of 258 million guns (Read more:
I don't see any information about any private citizen owning a tank, or modern artillery piece, or submarine, or aircraft carrier, or fighter jets with bombs, missiles, or guns. Even if several thousand citizens banded together, their personal firearms (which I know includes machine guns and large caliber rifles) won't stand a chance against dozens of tanks, arty, attack and bomber planes...the list goes on.
Conclusion; the notion that private citizens with personal firearms can revolt and concur the United States military is fucking ludicrous. So there is no need whatsoever to claim that the 2nd Amendment, IN MODERN TIMES, has anything to do with the ability of the populace to overthrow a tyrannical government when necessary.
Right now, people like having guns for a multitude of reasons like hunting, sport shooting, and self defense. The recent SCOTUS interpretation of the 2nd Amendment is just a convenient way of keeping it legal.
(again, I am a licensed gun owner and Army veteran who knows how to use a multitude of firearms, and I would love to keep my right to use them...but I still think the 2A was meant for something else)