Old People Life Hacks:
1. Handicap stickers... just get one, if you're old they hand them out like free condoms in college.
2. If a young person is holding a door open get your wheezing ass ahead of them in w/e line is inside.
3. Claim you're too old for w/e shit you don't want to deal with.
4. Claim you're too wise and young people don't understand.
5. If a Cop pulls you over for any reason, just start babbling about Eisenhower, they will let you go.
6. If there is a long line at Jewel just start farting and loudly reminiscing about when the blacks had their own stores, someone will usher you to the front of the line.
7. If you're ever feeling blue, get up at 6am and drive around at 5-10 under the speed limit slowing people down who are trying to get to work... one day one of those people might road-rage murder you, but who cares.
8. If anyone asks you a question you don't want to answer, just go "WHA?" and repeat louder each time the question is repeated until the questioner gives up.
9. Take milk up to the service desk at Jewel and tell them Cindy said you could have half off because the date on the milk was bad.... they will probably just give you the milk for free, there is no Cindy who works there.
10. Instead of tipping the car wash guy, just drop him a butterscotch candy and start babbling about Truman and those sneaky Japs... they will get uncomfortable and just gtfo.... this applies for most tipping... valets... bellhops, etc.