That excuse was used for him when he was sloshed up in Madison for some drinking fest (outside of everyday Madison).
Nothing ever excuses rape.
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Lets not jump to conclusions here. The difference between this and Kobe Bryant is probably that Kaner is single and free to do as he chooses. This could just be a wake up call that the same rules do not apply to him.
Why are we talking about his exit from the Hawks?
Its not going to come to that, unless they through a bag over her head in Evans, thru her in the rape van and drove him back to his place? What did she think would happen going back to Kaners home?
Come on guys, use your reason. This shouldn't effect the Hawks other than fucking with Pat's head a bit, which its up to him how he wants to proceed with life from. Kane could go home with any single girl at the bar and half the not single ones, why go to the trouble to rape someone?
1) Money grab
2) minor under 16
3) intoxicated mostly consensual "mistake"
4) some bondage play that got too crazy for her
5) Actual malicious I'm Patrick Kane and I'm going to rape **** you now *****
One of these things probably happened. She probably has semen, who knows if she has injuries. These things are shady and he isn't the first athlete to kick a broad home in the morning and her not getting treatment she expected or some mutually drunk shit that got out of hand and here we are.
Lets calm down....and wait for facts. Or allegations. And try to decipher the difference between the two. I don't know why you would say "my gut says he did something really bad."
Thats fear. Relax. My gut says its a mess that will linger a bit and go away as details of some mess broad come out. I am encouraged by the fact they met at a bar in Evans, and she went home with him. Kane shouldn't have to learn every lesson personally, but this is a common athlete lesson. He is just that guy that doesn't get it until it happens to him.
The biggest danger is probably as stated, the McD decision afterwards, and collateral details that get unearthed involving any type of drug use or crazy shit that really have nothing to do with whether Kaner is a malicious rapist or not. This legal world we live in....we won't really be able to take anything away from a not guilty/guilty verdict. Don't expect justice in court anymore, the system is fucked....protects the "witness"....I mean I would want to see her cell phone imediatley and know her conversations but it won't go like that, they will seize Kaners instead.