actually, that one article is infinitely more interesting than many locked threads or posts pertaining to the Patrick Kane story on this message board. Sportsmockery usually has a lot of BS but this article is not one of them even though it is purely opinion. So if you dont like it, then move on kiddo
No, it's not. It's one of SM's hack writers taking shots at a damn good reporter in Buffalo who's been reporting whatever facts he has gathered and nothing more, unlike that fucking awful website which has served as a glorified tabloid in this scenario, throwing out whatever rumors their bros text them on a daily basis.
There was a story on the authors of that website online recently, and they're a bunch of St. Rita (Chicago-area high school, for those who may not know) graduates. Now, who do you think is more likely to have the facts here: a bunch of Chicago-area kids or a long-serving reporter from Buffalo where the alleged incident happened?
Again, I've seen nothing from Tim Graham that indicates he's "out to get Kane" or any bullshit like that. He's just been reporting the facts that he's been able to collect as he confirms them. That's how journalism works.
SportsMockery loves to whine anytime a major media outlet blasts them for being completely full of shit (which they are). They love to boast about the 30,000 followers they've gathered but if I followed 30,000 different people on Twitter I'd have a huge following as well.
SportsMockery is just about everything that is wrong with the blogger side of the sports media today, and I say that as one who could be classified as a blogger for this website. They are shit, and this website and this message board is better off without that bullshit.