Rehashing, but I wanted to get back to this awhile ago. I know a lot of girls pull this. It's like they want some kind of reassurance that you indeed value them more than whatever else du jure. So they try to test you.
Where their logic falls flat and what guys fail to realize is this. There's a disconnect in how both genders see it. Men tend to quantify and place a precedence on the activity. i.e. "Is football more important than going to a craft store?" Women tend to see it as social, "Is football more important than hanging out with me?" The disconnect is that men don't see the social aspect of it, and the women fail to see that there's priority and importance involved above and beyond simply spending time together. It helps to realize this from both sides. Your woman needs to know that
what she wants you to do with her in leiu of what you want to do is important. You need to realize that she's wanting to spend time with you and that by watching football and essentially passively exclusing her (if she's not a football fan), yu're isolating her especially if you're 100% hard up that you will never do anything non-emergency on a Sunday with her 'cause it will cut into your football time.
IMHO. Communication. Effective communication. You both have to listen to each other and hear what the other is actually saying and what their concerns are--knowing very well that the whole mindset is different between you both.
I'm somewhat similar (even though my wife *likes* hockey and rugby but is not a fan, and hates soccer. I communicate with her what games I consider high priority (i.e. Stanley Cup playoffs, rivalry games, Cascadia Derby, etc.) and the rest I can push. She's okay with this because she knows that even the highest priorities can be set aside for emergencies, but on the other hand she knows I'll be willing to catch a lesser game later so we can spend time together.
At least my wife and I agree on not giving a flying rat's ass about gridiron football. In fact, we consider Super Bowl Sunday national Road-trip day.
I agree on councelling being a good thing. Unfortunately the way things are now is that you had a bunch of self-centered and selfish baby boomers raising a bunch of self-centered and selfish Gen-X'ers who are raising a bunch of self-centered and selfish Millenials. The problem is that by the time they get into an actual relationship they're still self-centered and selfish, and think the relationship revolves around them. Counseling can help solve that. The problem is that many people see counseling or therapy as a failure, and tend to not want to do it.
I in general agree with this. My wife is my best friend when everything is considered. I think this helps in a relationship. If you can't get along well any time you're not doinking then it will never last.
I also am wondering what
man in his right mind would worry about "ruining a friendship" by trying to get invoved with a really good ladyfriend. That's highschool girl speak there! If you know there's a woman out there that you get aloong well with and there's at least some level of mutual attraction and you *don't* go for it? I mean, if you're just looking for a place to bury your dick for the night than yeah but if you want a relationship that is the type to go for.