<blockquote class="ipsBlockquote" data-author="MassHavoc" data-cid="236609" data-time="1413385787">
As usual I thank you all for being completely worthless....</p>
back to the questions above, I'm not getting the pre-sequel. I love one and two but this was farmed out a bit to an australian company, and no matter how closely they say they worked with them, it still just feels like a money grab while they work on BL3. The reviews show it's much of the same, which isn't a bad thing, but nothing revolutionary or special except a new float move mechanic and needing an air gage because you are in outer space... I'll pass or wait till it goes on sale. I loved BL1 and 2 and put in a lot of hours but the way they rolled out their DLC has rubbed me the wrong way and I kind of lost interest. It's a big problem I'm having with the whole industry. BL2 I broke my cardinal rule and pre-ordered and bought the season pass. Then it came out and I played the shit out of it, then a whole bunch of extra content started coming out that somehow wasn't included in the season pass. So instead of putting out my content they were working on other DLC to sell, which they promised had no impact on the DLC I already bought... sure it didn't. It took so long for the last of the Season pass content to come out, I don't think I even downloaded the last one. I should probably go back and do that and play it.</p>
Kinda my thoughts on the matter. My twisted sense of humor does want to play as Claptrap, but really it looks like BL2 with a phsyics mod and extra voices. I was just wondering if anyon here had it yet and was blown away by it.</p>
Further, I haven't got through all of the other DLC form BL2, and am still working on Wolfenstein: TNO.</p>