Video Game Thread

Chief Walking Stick

CCS Donator
May 12, 2010
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<blockquote class="ipsBlockquote" data-author="MassHavoc" data-cid="235906" data-time="1411313147">

I'm level 20, I don't see the point in farming for equipment, I've been just playing and doing all the different things to do and my gear has been steadily getting better without standing there wasting time shooting into a cave, I don't get why people do that you have just as good a chance having fun actually playing and doing patrols and strikes and PVP and get just as good of stuff. The only problem I am having with the game is finding time to play.</p>


I shot into the loot cave for about an hour yesterday.  I got 4 legendary engrams and about 10 blue.</p>


Out of the 4 legendary, only one turned out to be purple but they had 18 light on them.  Along with the blue gear, this was good enough to get me to level 22.</p>


After that, I just grinded strikes... now I am level 24.</p>


Going to continue to grind strikes after the weekly Vanguard Marks reset, I am already at 100.</p>


Not going to play today... gonna take the day off and watch football and the WWE PPV.</p>


Staff member
May 14, 2010
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when you max out vanguard and crucible marks put on a clan piece and grind clan marks. apparently every level you get a couple legendary or something like that.</p>

The Count Dante

CCS Donator
May 16, 2010
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<blockquote class="ipsBlockquote" data-author="MassHavoc" data-cid="235906" data-time="1411313147">

I'm level 20, I don't see the point in farming for equipment, I've been just playing and doing all the different things to do and my gear has been steadily getting better without standing there wasting time shooting into a cave, I don't get why people do that you have just as good a chance having fun actually playing and doing patrols and strikes and PVP and get just as good of stuff. The only problem I am having with the game is finding time to play.</p>


I am almost level 26 and I have farmed exactly zero hours. The most farming I have done is to run the lap on moon twice for helium flowers. It took about 15 minutes to get about 30. </p>

The grind from 20 - 21-ish is slow as you get your blues. At 26+ it becomes a halt due to mats needed to upgrade gear. </p>


And I dont care in the least, although i love to read Destiny forums to listen to the carebears cry.</p>


You dont have to farm or loot cave or anything else. How do I know? I have my grape weapons, a few grape pieces and enough Strange Coin for the Drug Dealer of the Nine on Friday. </p>

The Count Dante

CCS Donator
May 16, 2010
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<blockquote class="ipsBlockquote" data-author="MassHavoc" data-cid="235909" data-time="1411315576">

when you max out vanguard and crucible marks put on a clan piece and grind clan marks. apparently every level you get a couple legendary or something like that.</p>


Ye'up. Past level 3, each level gets you a grape.</p>


Same with the Crypto dude, but probably knew that. </p>


As mentioned, check out the gears on the 3 factions. It will turn all rep you get into their faction (but you wont get van/crucible marks, hence to be done after weekly max). </p>


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May 14, 2010
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<blockquote class="ipsBlockquote" data-author="The Deadliest Man Alive" data-cid="236018" data-time="1411704829">

I am almost level 26 and I have farmed exactly zero hours. The most farming I have done is to run the lap on moon twice for helium flowers. It took about 15 minutes to get about 30. </p>

The grind from 20 - 21-ish is slow as you get your blues. At 26+ it becomes a halt due to mats needed to upgrade gear. </p>


And I dont care in the least, although i love to read Destiny forums to listen to the carebears cry.</p>


You dont have to farm or loot cave or anything else. How do I know? I have my grape weapons, a few grape pieces and enough Strange Coin for the Drug Dealer of the Nine on Friday. </p>

Getting to level 20 took a while for me because I had to figure a lot out on my own and I was playing the story the way it was supposed to be played and doing bounties and such in between so it took a while and was really enjoyable. Getting from level 20-22 seemed really hard, starting to get blue stuff with light seemed like it wasn't going to happen and then boom it did, then I did some big boy strikes and stuff and going from 22 to just an ass hair below 25 happened all last night. bam. Still hadn't gotten a single purple and I'm almost 25, until I was on the earth for some spinmetal to upgrade (I dont' know how else go get upgrade materials other than to do patrols and look for them) and boom I dropped a level 2 dreg and out came my first purple anything...</p>


I went to the cryptarch to see what it was and out popped a blue gun. I wasn't nearly as mad as others on the internet becuase I didn't have a sense of entitlement that they have and the need to constantly be farming and power playing in order to grind up to level 30 and not feel left behind, but you know what, I've not done any of that and I've enjoyed every second of taking the slow pace to the top of the heap. With the limited content what's the use of jamming a char. up to 30 then complaining the game sucks becuase you hurried through it to get to 30. </p>


I've absolutely found that as I go along the way of playing the game the way it's designed it feels like once I hit a milestone of getting like a certain level blue or whatever, that they then come more frequently and have better results. I never farmed and I can tell you that 80-90 percent of my greens were green, and 80-90 percent of my blues were blues. I can bet you the same will probably be true for the purples eventually or at least feel that way becuase I'm not farming 20 of them and turning them all in at once only to be disappointed. The people that are pissed off at things are doing it to themselves because they just want to power through stuff and get everything so they can say they are the strongest but then complain there is no content. That to me is incredible... they are level 29 and 30 and angry that they have beat the game but that now Bungie is nerfing the farming they did to get through the content so fast. So what... you basically exploited the game to get to top and now you are pissed that you are on the top and they are nerfing the exploits... start a new char. and take it slow.</p>

Chief Walking Stick

CCS Donator
May 12, 2010
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<blockquote class="ipsBlockquote" data-author="MassHavoc" data-cid="236022" data-time="1411753238">

Getting to level 20 took a while for me because I had to figure a lot out on my own and I was playing the story the way it was supposed to be played and doing bounties and such in between so it took a while and was really enjoyable. Getting from level 20-22 seemed really hard, starting to get blue stuff with light seemed like it wasn't going to happen and then boom it did, then I did some big boy strikes and stuff and going from 22 to just an ass hair below 25 happened all last night. bam. Still hadn't gotten a single purple and I'm almost 25, until I was on the earth for some spinmetal to upgrade (I dont' know how else go get upgrade materials other than to do patrols and look for them) and boom I dropped a level 2 dreg and out came my first purple anything...</p>


I went to the cryptarch to see what it was and out popped a blue gun. I wasn't nearly as mad as others on the internet becuase I didn't have a sense of entitlement that they have and the need to constantly be farming and power playing in order to grind up to level 30 and not feel left behind, but you know what, I've not done any of that and I've enjoyed every second of taking the slow pace to the top of the heap. With the limited content what's the use of jamming a char. up to 30 then complaining the game sucks becuase you hurried through it to get to 30. </p>


I've absolutely found that as I go along the way of playing the game the way it's designed it feels like once I hit a milestone of getting like a certain level blue or whatever, that they then come more frequently and have better results. I never farmed and I can tell you that 80-90 percent of my greens were green, and 80-90 percent of my blues were blues. I can bet you the same will probably be true for the purples eventually or at least feel that way becuase I'm not farming 20 of them and turning them all in at once only to be disappointed. The people that are pissed off at things are doing it to themselves because they just want to power through stuff and get everything so they can say they are the strongest but then complain there is no content. That to me is incredible... they are level 29 and 30 and angry that they have beat the game but that now Bungie is nerfing the farming they did to get through the content so fast. So what... you basically exploited the game to get to top and now you are pissed that you are on the top and they are nerfing the exploits... start a new char. and take it slow.</p>


Completely agreed... for the most part.</p>


I DID shoot into the loot cave for 1-2 hours max after hitting level 20.  This was able to get me good enough gear to hit level 22 so I could do the more challenging strike missions.</p>


I played WoW for like 3-4 years back when I first got out of highschool.  Raiding 4 nights a week for 4.5 hours each session definitely taught me the patience to grind.  I pretty much grind strikes until I max out my marks for the week.  Grinding the strikes has gotten me to level 26 now.</p>


I am going to do bounties all weekend because apparently once you do 25 of them you get one for an exotic weapon.</p>


Hoping to hit 28 by Sunday so I can do the weekly Nightfall mission before reset and also try Vault of Glass.</p>


So far... with the limited amount of content and low level cap, I have been completely blown away.  I love it.</p>


Staff member
May 14, 2010
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<blockquote class="ipsBlockquote" data-author="Grimdust" data-cid="236024" data-time="1411762621">

Completely agreed... for the most part.</p>


I DID shoot into the loot cave for 1-2 hours max after hitting level 20.  This was able to get me good enough gear to hit level 22 so I could do the more challenging strike missions.</p>


I played WoW for like 3-4 years back when I first got out of highschool.  Raiding 4 nights a week for 4.5 hours each session definitely taught me the patience to grind.  I pretty much grind strikes until I max out my marks for the week.  Grinding the strikes has gotten me to level 26 now.</p>


I am going to do bounties all weekend because apparently once you do 25 of them you get one for an exotic weapon.</p>


Hoping to hit 28 by Sunday so I can do the weekly Nightfall mission before reset and also try Vault of Glass.</p>


So far... with the limited amount of content and low level cap, I have been completely blown away.  I love it.</p>

Yeah I think we're on the same page there. I have no problem with hitting the loot cave like that, it's the people who have spent the first 2 weeks of the game running around spending 80 hours trying to find the best places to farm and then complain that there is no content.</p>


The Raids are a whole different beast for me. I have no interest in them. I mean they would be great to do, but the investment of time that it takes to sit down and learn how to do them, I just don't have 4.5 hours. So it's disappointing to me that such a big part of content is seemingly unaccessable to me because I don't have the time, skill, or enough friends that play, to sit down and spend 4 hours learning how to do the damn thing. I know that teams are doing it in a half hour now, but these are professional players that do this for a living. I have an external life and games are recreation for me, I don't want to have to sit down for 4+ hours to do one mission. But I have no problem with it being there because to me it just shows that the game is set  up diverse enough to give something to everyone.</p>


I mostly do bounties, and I'm not big on PvP but I try to give those a go every now and then just to switch up the game play a bit. It's fun, i'm having a blast and there is always something to do. I think what is baffling to me is that the people are complaining that there isn't enough content, and doing the same mission over and over and over at different difficulties isn't content, yet they are going ape shit that the content they want is to stand in front of a cave for hours and shoot into a dark hole. So you can farm for hours doing the same thing over and over, but you are pissed off when a bounty takes you to the same mission every other day...</p>


Then on top of that you're pissed because actually playing the game doesn't get you the rewards that shooting into a cave gets you for 5 hours. I'll tell you what, playing the game and getting what little I have feels much more rewarding because I had to work for it so each item feels impactful instead of just farming a cave for 5 hours grabbing a bunch of blues and burning through them in a minute dismantling them without even looking at them or using them or seeing if they are better than what you have, takes out a shit ton of the strategy of the game.</p>


I don't know how much I"m going to get to play this weekend, but I know I'll break 25 because I'm so close, and I hope to get to 26 or 27...</p>


Fan Captain
May 15, 2010
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Chicago, Illinois
I've been playing myself and I'm now level 26.... Its hard as hell to get there, but I got there on my Warlock. Love the class. Hope I can do a raid with ya'll. PS4 here. (CLWolf81) </p>


Staff member
May 14, 2010
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I hope to get a PS4 sometime soon, who knows what that means. But when I do they say my character will transfer to my free copy of Destiny on PS4.... hit level 25 hunter. only have one legendary, but i'm ok with that... don't see what the fuss is...</p>

The Count Dante

CCS Donator
May 16, 2010
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<blockquote class="ipsBlockquote" data-author="CLWolf81" data-cid="236048" data-time="1411956743">

I've been playing myself and I'm now level 26.... Its hard as hell to get there, but I got there on my Warlock. Love the class. Hope I can do a raid with ya'll. PS4 here. (CLWolf81) </p>


Add Count_Dante. I will toss ya in the friends list. I am working nights but play with my buddy Sun - Wed or so. Otherwise I play in mornings. </p>

The Count Dante

CCS Donator
May 16, 2010
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<blockquote class="ipsBlockquote" data-author="MassHavoc" data-cid="236076" data-time="1412087128">

I hope to get a PS4 sometime soon, who knows what that means. But when I do they say my character will transfer to my free copy of Destiny on PS4.... hit level 25 hunter. only have one legendary, but i'm ok with that... don't see what the fuss is...</p>


Hurry up man! I am tired of seeing you all logged in for Destiny and seeing that ps3 next to it...</p>


Fan Captain
May 15, 2010
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Chicago, Illinois
Tried the Vault of Glass the other night.... holy shit is it annoying. After 2 am, I said that was enough. 5 pm and we barely made it past The Templar. Did get a nice glove drop out of it, though.</p>


Staff member
May 14, 2010
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<blockquote class="ipsBlockquote" data-author="Grimdust" data-cid="236117" data-time="1412257128">

How the **** can you play destiny on last gen consoles?</p>

It's the same game... what exactly are you getting other than graphics? WHich still aren't bad. I ask this seriously because I'm curious.</p>

The Count Dante

CCS Donator
May 16, 2010
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New member
May 16, 2010
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St.Pete, FL
So just seen the feature list missing from NHL15. Well EA continues its streak of releasing betas as full games and who the **** wants this game, there nothing to it. I think NHL95 had more features. I get that every new engine for NHL it loses features but **** there are NO FEATURES</p>

Chief Walking Stick

CCS Donator
May 12, 2010
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Did my first nightfall last night at 26.

Very challenging and fun. Didn't get an exotic out of it, but did get 6 strange coins.


CCS Donator
May 15, 2010
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<blockquote class="ipsBlockquote" data-author="Supra" data-cid="236175" data-time="1412361224">

So just seen the feature list missing from NHL15. Well EA continues its streak of releasing betas as full games and who the **** wants this game, there nothing to it. I think NHL95 had more features. I get that every new engine for NHL it loses features but **** there are NO FEATURES</p>


You'd think they would be adding features.</p>

The Count Dante

CCS Donator
May 16, 2010
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<blockquote class="ipsBlockquote" data-author="Supra" data-cid="236175" data-time="1412361224">

So just seen the feature list missing from NHL15. Well EA continues its streak of releasing betas as full games and who the **** wants this game, there nothing to it. I think NHL95 had more features. I get that every new engine for NHL it loses features but **** there are NO FEATURES</p>


I was JUST come here to see if others knew. I almost bought it... I almost did. </p>


NO LEAGUE PLAY!!! What?! Crazy. Huge backwards slide.</p>


FIFA 15 faired no better IMO. Fifa14 was fantastic. But you cant just make the same game and release it again I suppose, so now it is like Some arcade crap. Bad year for me and sports games, but cheaper!</p>

The Count Dante

CCS Donator
May 16, 2010
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<blockquote class="ipsBlockquote" data-author="Tater" data-cid="236183" data-time="1412399638">

You'd think they would be adding features.</p>


I dont know what happened this year. Something must of. I can see testing out a new game type in one year, having it fail, and ditching. But the took out 6v6 play. I...I have no reason to get in the pipes. </p>


From Demo play, the AI has made some improvements at least from the pipe perspective, but no 6v6 play.</p>


Did i mention 6v6 is gone?</p>
