No it doesn't, it's Kane.</p>
May 19, 2014 #201 roshinaya fnord Donator Joined: May 15, 2010 Posts: 3,533 Liked Posts: 440 No it doesn't, it's Kane.</p>
May 19, 2014 #202 MassHavoc Moderator Staff member Joined: May 14, 2010 Posts: 17,880 Liked Posts: 2,565 Yeah, all three of the faces are Kane just from different angles.</p>
May 19, 2014 #203 Tater CCS Donator Donator Joined: May 15, 2010 Posts: 13,392 Liked Posts: 5,207 <blockquote class="ipsBlockquote" data-author="MassHavoc" data-cid="230114" data-time="1400524421"> <div> Yeah, all three of the faces are Kane just from different angles.</p> </div> </blockquote> </p> Ahhh, OK.</p>
<blockquote class="ipsBlockquote" data-author="MassHavoc" data-cid="230114" data-time="1400524421"> <div> Yeah, all three of the faces are Kane just from different angles.</p> </div> </blockquote> </p> Ahhh, OK.</p>
May 19, 2014 #204 PatrickShart New member Joined: May 17, 2010 Posts: 4,782 Liked Posts: 452 I thought I saw PK Subban in the crowd</p> </p> All black people look alike to me though</p>