Weiner's Weiner


Aha! The truth!!! You don't like him because he is arrogant and egotistical. Got it. I totally wasn't getting that from you, IHF, tater, or RK for like that last two pages...

I could care less. I think he's an idiot for putting himself in this position. I also feel sorry for his wife. in that respect he's a fucking scum bag and most certainly shouldn't be put in the trust of his constituents if he can't even get the trust of his own fucking wife.


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Jul 24, 2010
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You understand how many people, past and present, you'd have put out of office and out of power if you were to seriously hold to that?


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May 14, 2010
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It's none of our business until he's sworn into PUBLIC OFFICE. Once he takes that oath, it becomes our business.

I haven't read the oath in a while, but can you show me where it says that?


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May 15, 2010
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Belleville, IL
“I, AB, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter. So help me God.”


For the record, Weiner did take the oath. But, I'm with Mass on this one.



For the record, Weiner did take the oath. But, I'm with Mass on this one.

Sorry certain people are held to higher standards in my opinion. Government is no different than the corporate world. How far do you think he'd get on the board of directors of any fortune 400 company with this stuff out there? Not far, at least from an ethical company.

He did it and obviously didn't think about the ramifications. I'm sure he'd be the first one to agree to that. You don't want to be in the public eye, don't take the job.


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May 14, 2010
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Sorry certain people are held to higher standards in my opinion. Government is no different than the corporate world. How far do you think he'd get on the board of directors of any fortune 400 company with this stuff out there? Not far, at least from an ethical company.

He did it and obviously didn't think about the ramifications. I'm sure he'd be the first one to agree to that. You don't want to be in the public eye, don't take the job.

I beg to differ, he'd get much farther. CEO's do much worse and get away with much more because there is not as much public light on it, and more money involved, no only theirs but their stockholders. Look at the fact the you are barely hearing a peek out to the IMF guy and yet weiner's pictures are front page everywhere. CEO's do many actual illegal things like DIUs and such, and the worst that usually happens to them is they are given a golden parachute and pick up another job a year or so later.


I beg to differ, he'd get much farther. CEO's do much worse and get away with much more because there is not as much public light on it, and more money involved, no only theirs but their stockholders. Look at the fact the you are barely hearing a peek out to the IMF guy and yet weiner's pictures are front page everywhere. CEO's do many actual illegal things like DIUs and such, and the worst that usually happens to them is they are given a golden parachute and pick up another job a year or so later.

Depends on what the board of directors is aware of. I know three CEO's from three different billion dollar corporations that would disagree with you.

As for the parachute that really has nothing to do with it. And if this had been a DIU I'm sure Weiner would not be hounded to resign. That's how fucked up our country or politics really is.


CCS Donator
May 15, 2010
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I could care less. I think he's an idiot for putting himself in this position. I also feel sorry for his wife. in that respect he's a fucking scum bag and most certainly shouldn't be put in the trust of his constituents if he can't even get the trust of his own fucking wife.

I find it very sad, maybe pathetic is a better word, of how people don't feel that those in positions of power and elected should not be held to a higher standard. Hell, by some of the comments here it sounds like they vote for someone right out of jail as long as they support their cause.

This is not about political party, it is about values, morals, ethics and doing the right thing. Elected indidivuals who make the laws do not have to be held to any form of accountability?


CCS Donator
May 15, 2010
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Rostenkowski did illegal things. There is a difference between the two. So far, Weiner hasn't been charged with anything, and probably won't be, cause so far he has done nothing illegal.

I am not saying what he did was right, or proper, or whatever. But again, it is between him and his wife. Maybe she is ok with him flirting with other chicks. Stranger things have and do happen.

If I had a 17 year old daughter that sent him a message stating "you're hot", I would ask her what the hell she was thinking would happen. Then I would tell her it's time to put on your big girl panties and deal with the crap that is about to come out. You are an adult, and as such, you must learn there are consequences to your actions. I don't believe in shielding kids forever. Now mind you, as her father, I would support her the best I could.

Then again, maybe I would have raised her right to begin with.

No where in your summary did I read of you having an issue with the man involved. Rather it appears you are blaming the teenager and her parents. A U.S. congressman is texting with a 17 year old and you blame her?


I'm in the middle but do agree with you about moral standards. Especially in the public eye.

It's been a problem in the arena for a long time. Wiener is not the first to play with his Weener.

I feel sorry for his wife. I also feel sorry for those that actually put trust in him as a Political supporter. He lied to them, instead of saying, "yes, that was me". Had he admitted to it when the story first came out, while I wouldn't agree with what he did, I'd see it in a different light. Same with Clinton. Difference is Clinton lied to Congress. Then again if Weener lied to the media, he'd probably lie to Congress. Thus creating the problem of what he wouldn't lie about. Integrity.

"yes, it was me". It's that simple.


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May 15, 2010
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Belleville, IL
See, there you go calling many of us pathetic again. Superiority complex much?

Please provide the rest of the class with the teacher's notes that identify all of these morals, ethics, and so forth that you apparently have read. I would love for the rest of us to achieve such grand, almost divine status, but I'm afraid we are all ignorant, rude, loud mouthed, perverted heathens that swear too much and look at porn.


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May 15, 2010
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Belleville, IL
No where in your summary did I read of you having an issue with the man involved. Rather it appears you are blaming the teenager and her parents. A U.S. congressman is texting with a 17 year old and you blame her?

For all any of us know, bri for instance, could be a 15 year old girl, yet many of us discuss rather sexually explicit content with her on a regular basis. This is the age of the internet. So long as this individual never knew she was underage and made no human contact with her, he did nothing illegal. You can debate the morallity of it until you are blue in the face.


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Jul 24, 2010
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This is what I always find so funny about things like this, and when people like Ice Hog say stuff like "We gotta keep em' honest! We gotta hold them to a higher standard!"

If people were all so enlightened and wanted to "clean house" as it were of politicians who simply lie to the public, there wouldn't be so much outrage of things like Wikileaks. There wouldn't be people calling those who leaked those crimes as "traitors". That we shouldn't know about those things because they're "too important". There wouldn't be people calling on those who blow the whistle on things (and who have evidence) as "conspiracy nuts" or as crazy. It's two faced bullshit. We aren't supposed to know about the really important corrupt business going on behind the scenes, and we'll say as much ourselves. We will actually admit to that as weird and backwards as it sounds. But things like a politician flirting? Gotta get on that shit. Gotta get that guy out of office. Meanwhile, true monsters like Henry Kissinger have been around for DECADES. Where's the outcry over people like him? Where are all the "moral and ethical" people calling for his head?


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May 16, 2010
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St.Pete, FL
This is not directed at anyone in this thread, just more of a generalized statement. I find it sad that there is more talk about this guy's dick, which is irrelevant to the running of the government. Than there is over, jesus pick one, our military actions in foreign countries, escalating debt, eroding middle class, I can go on and on and on.

My point being, really in the big picture his dick is meaningless but yet that's what we (americans and the media) talk about whereas the important stuff goes barely mentioned.


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Jul 24, 2010
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Exactly. You can't pull out the "morals and ethics" card and say you find it sad that not everyone is as up in arms about something as inconsequential as this and then contradict yourself on issues 1000x more meaningful and important.


CCS Donator
May 15, 2010
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I enjoy reading those that defend his actions. Notice I said "his" actions. We are talking about Anthony Weiner. Feel to start your own thread about what you feel is wrong in the world of politics.

Porn star Ginger Lee said Wednesday that disgraced Rep. Anthony Weiner asked her to lie about their online relationship, and he should resign.

At a press conference in New York with her attorney, Gloria Allred, Lee said Weiner asked her to lie during a phone conversation that took place on June 2.

"He asked me to lie about our communication," Lee said. "I think Anthony Weiner should resign because he lied to the public and the press for more than a week. It might never have turned into this if he had told the truth but he kept lying."

During the press conference, Lee told a room packed with members of the media that once the scandal broke she turned to Weiner for advice on how to handle it.

"I put out a three sentence communication that he told me to say," she said.

"Once it got to a point that he lied on national television, then I knew that anything I said after that would have to be either a lie or an admission. I didn't want to do either."

"On June 2nd he called me and told me what to say and do and how to deal with the mounting pressure from the press and how to handle it. He told me if neither of us said anything over the weekend the story would calm down and die. ... I knew that I couldn't lie for him, but I couldn't be the one who kicked him under the bus."

Porn Star: 'Weiner Asked Me to Lie"


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May 14, 2010
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So which is it? Say this, or don't say anything? She can't even decide on what was being lied about...


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May 15, 2010
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yer ma's pants
No where in your summary did I read of you having an issue with the man involved. Rather it appears you are blaming the teenager and her parents. A U.S. congressman is texting with a 17 year old and you blame her?

No sir. I am not blaming her. I must apologize to victims everywhere if that is what was conveyed. That was not my intention.

Did he know she was 17? Not that I am forgiving him, but seriously,if he didn't know, how was he sposeda know, ya know?

I don't think anyone in office is better then us. To me that is dangerous thinking. They are the same as some douchebag down the street. They aren't any more special than anyone else.
