Weirdest/Craziest thing you've ever seen


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Jun 12, 2010
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Reminds me of a story I read on about this forest in Japan where there's been likely 100 or so suicides in there since the 1950's. Apparently some author wrote a story about this forest where the main character commits suicide. Since then it appears to be a popular place to do so. It's become somewhat of a game for people to "treasure hunt" in there now since many people have committed suicide with money or valuables on them.

Edit: so it's over 500 people.



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May 14, 2010
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The kid that shot himself was pretty traumatizing. Not to mention it was the first time my GF at the time had come to meet the family and see where I grew up. I can remember walking through those same woods hammered off my ass in highschool at 3am on the way home and NEVER saw anything like that before.

I should have listened to my dad though and NOT called the Police. Let someone else do that. It turned out into a giant nightmare I never thought would end. My wife still won't talk about it to this day. She just aknowledges it happened!

Hopefully there is no next time, but if there is, anonymous tip from a payphone.


CCS Donator
May 14, 2010
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Plainfield, IL
Morels? or other wild mushrooms? I've been trying to figure out where to go find me some morels out here.

he mostly goes looking for Sheephead mushrooms. Those things are fucking amazing battered and deepfried, they taste like meat.

(Ive only gone with him a couple times and thats what he looks for) he does get other mushrooms , but I wouldnt know the names.

edit: I looked up Morels and they look like Sheephead, so they may be the same thing (I couldnt find sheephead mushroom) so im guessing that is just local terminology.

Edit again, no they arent the same thing, but still look somewhat similar, sheephead are bigger.


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Jun 12, 2010
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Sheepshead are the same as Maitake, but are much different than Morels:





Morels are, IMO, the best tasting mushroom in the world. and yes, I'm talking superior to truffles (though I haven't ad the opportunity to pig out on truffles like I have with Morels.


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May 14, 2010
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Morels? or other wild mushrooms? I've been trying to figure out where to go find me some morels out here.

My friend's dad goes morel hunting every spring in the burbs. You can find them in a lot of the forest preserves, but imagine they get picked over quickly there.


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Jun 12, 2010
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My friend's dad goes morel hunting every spring in the burbs. You can find them in a lot of the forest preserves, but imagine they get picked over quickly there.

I'll have to check the woods right by my place. I must have gotten there too last this season. I'll be out of school so I'll have plenty of time this spring, though I know they grow better in pine and fir forests.



My friend's dad goes morel hunting every spring in the burbs. You can find them in a lot of the forest preserves, but imagine they get picked over quickly there.

That isn't the ONLY thing you find in the Forest Preserve!!


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May 16, 2010
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I once saw a transformer on an electric pole blow up just feet away from my buddy's car. It's probably not the craziest thing I've ever seen, but that noise sticks in my head and it was just so sudden, bright and loud that it really shook me.


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Jul 12, 2010
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Columbus Day, year 2000. Walking up to the Schaumburg train station and noticed how eerily quiet it was - you could hear a pin drop and it was 7:15am, morning rush, and a couple hundred people waiting for the express train. As I'm walking across the tracks I look down and see the body of a young teen boy - he was just hit by the train. The train was about a half mile down from the station at this point and at a dead stop. The kid was clearly dead but surprisingly not in pieces from what I saw. He was laying between the tracks in the fetal position. Then I heard the sirens and the cops and paramedics arrived. The copys then had their flashlights out and started searching through the bushes and lawn - apparently looking for pieces that must have come off that I didn't see. However, there was a shoe on the tracks about 50 feet from the body and apparent impact spot - it had a big blood stain on it. The paramedics put a white tarp down on the kid and then the announcement came that the train line was shutdown so I walked back to my car and drove into the city. I couldn't work though - it disturbed me all day.

The following day I read the newspaper to see the kid's name and remember it to this day. Turns out his friends were there and saw him killed. They were high school students and had some project presentation that day. The kid was coming to the train station, saw the train coming and thought he was late and would miss it. What he didn't know is that the train he saw was an express train and was not stopping at the station. He made a run for it thinking the train was stopping there and got hit dead on.


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May 14, 2010
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Billings, Montana
When I was 12 we went to the movies. It was storming when we came out. A second after we jumped in our car it got struck by lightning it was scary.


Scratched for Vorobiev
Dec 8, 2014
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My favorite teams
  1. Portland Timbers
  1. Chicago Blackhawks
May 15th, 1984. Between Joliet and Mokena. My mom was driving my younger bro and I out to get him his 3rd b-day present (a bike), which was 2 days away. I was in the front seat, My bro was in the back middle seat. My mom went to make a left turn onto a a road and didn't check well enough (she was blind in her left eye), and we ended up getting T-boned on the driver's side by a truck.

The impact drove me into the door and broke my thumb, and i managed to bite my tongue something fierce. The impact snapped my moms neck and she fell through her seatbelt and right into my lap, and to make the event even more a a psychiatrist's wet dream, I remember feeling her last breath on my face and hearing a loud "snap!". A split second later, my younger bro flies over and past us and goes head-first through the windshield and lands on the hood.

The driver of the truck was fine. My mom pretty much dead instantly. My bro just suffered a lacerated forehead, nothing broken. However, the back middle seatbelt ripped under his weight.

So yeah, that's about the most fucked-up thing I've seen, witnessed, and participated in.


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May 14, 2010
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May 15th, 1984. Between Joliet and Mokena. My mom was driving my younger bro and I out to get him his 3rd b-day present (a bike), which was 2 days away. I was in the front seat, My bro was in the back middle seat. My mom went to make a left turn onto a a road and didn't check well enough (she was blind in her left eye), and we ended up getting T-boned on the driver's side by a truck.

The impact drove me into the door and broke my thumb, and i managed to bite my tongue something fierce. The impact snapped my moms neck and she fell through her seatbelt and right into my lap, and to make the event even more a a psychiatrist's wet dream, I remember feeling her last breath on my face and hearing a loud "snap!". A split second later, my younger bro flies over and past us and goes head-first through the windshield and lands on the hood.

The driver of the truck was fine. My mom pretty much dead instantly. My bro just suffered a lacerated forehead, nothing broken. However, the back middle seatbelt ripped under his weight.

So yeah, that's about the most fucked-up thing I've seen, witnessed, and participated in.

Oh, Hun, that is so awful. I can't begin to imagine how traumatic that was, I was traumatized when I looked down and saw my foot turned sideways when I broke my ankle and that can't compare with what you went through. Here is a Big Hug.


CCS Donator
May 15, 2010
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May 15th, 1984. Between Joliet and Mokena. My mom was driving my younger bro and I out to get him his 3rd b-day present (a bike), which was 2 days away. I was in the front seat, My bro was in the back middle seat. My mom went to make a left turn onto a a road and didn't check well enough (she was blind in her left eye), and we ended up getting T-boned on the driver's side by a truck.

The impact drove me into the door and broke my thumb, and i managed to bite my tongue something fierce. The impact snapped my moms neck and she fell through her seatbelt and right into my lap, and to make the event even more a a psychiatrist's wet dream, I remember feeling her last breath on my face and hearing a loud "snap!". A split second later, my younger bro flies over and past us and goes head-first through the windshield and lands on the hood.

The driver of the truck was fine. My mom pretty much dead instantly. My bro just suffered a lacerated forehead, nothing broken. However, the back middle seatbelt ripped under his weight.

So yeah, that's about the most fucked-up thing I've seen, witnessed, and participated in.

Holy shit, sorry you had to go through that.

We can close this thread after that story.


CCS Donator
Oct 19, 2013
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Wish You Were Here
I've seen some fucked up xrays;

An abdominal xray (KUB) on a young guy that passed out at a house party. When he woke up the next morning he was having lower abdominal pain that continues to get worse throughout the day so he went to the ER. Anyway the Xray showed a foreign body, in this case a curling iron shoved into his colon. Apparently his ex was at the party when he passed out and thought it would be funny to shove it up his ass.

Another KUB on a guy that had a weird anal fetish. Liked shoving all kinds of stuff in his ass. This time it wouldn't come out - a pickle jar with lid.

I lived in an old row house in Ipswich, UK for about a year when I was stationed at RAF Bentwaters. One night I woke up in the middle of the night and an old lady was leaning over my bed. I jumped up and yelled and she just vanished into the wall. I've never believed most para-normal stuff and think most of it bull shit, but I have no explanation for that. Best I can come up with was I was half asleep and still had a vivid dream, although I can rarely recall dreams in any detail unless its a night mare.


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May 14, 2010
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I've seen some fucked up xrays;

An abdominal xray (KUB) on a young guy that passed out at a house party. When he woke up the next morning he was having lower abdominal pain that continues to get worse throughout the day so he went to the ER. Anyway the Xray showed a foreign body, in this case a curling iron shoved into his colon. Apparently his ex was at the party when he passed out and thought it would be funny to shove it up his ass.

Another KUB on a guy that had a weird anal fetish. Liked shoving all kinds of stuff in his ass. This time it wouldn't come out - a pickle jar with lid.

I lived in an old row house in Ipswich, UK for about a year when I was stationed at RAF Bentwaters. One night I woke up in the middle of the night and an old lady was leaning over my bed. I jumped up and yelled and she just vanished into the wall. I've never believed most para-normal stuff and think most of it bull shit, but I have no explanation for that. Best I can come up with was I was half asleep and still had a vivid dream, although I can rarely recall dreams in any detail unless its a night mare.

Are you a doctor? I thought you were a lawyer.


CCS Donator
Oct 19, 2013
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Wish You Were Here
I'm a healthcare professional but not a doctor. PM me isf you want a more specific answer.


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May 16, 2010
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St.Pete, FL
I've seen some fucked up xrays;

An abdominal xray (KUB) on a young guy that passed out at a house party. When he woke up the next morning he was having lower abdominal pain that continues to get worse throughout the day so he went to the ER. Anyway the Xray showed a foreign body, in this case a curling iron shoved into his colon. Apparently his ex was at the party when he passed out and thought it would be funny to shove it up his ass.

Another KUB on a guy that had a weird anal fetish. Liked shoving all kinds of stuff in his ass. This time it wouldn't come out - a pickle jar with lid.

I lived in an old row house in Ipswich, UK for about a year when I was stationed at RAF Bentwaters. One night I woke up in the middle of the night and an old lady was leaning over my bed. I jumped up and yelled and she just vanished into the wall. I've never believed most para-normal stuff and think most of it bull shit, but I have no explanation for that. Best I can come up with was I was half asleep and still had a vivid dream, although I can rarely recall dreams in any detail unless its a night mare.

Okay the old lady thing is freaky.

Best I can do is I have seen a UFO and by UFO I mean something that was flying in the sky that I could not readily identify. So I am not saying I definitely seen aliens or anything.

I was up in Waterville, Minnesota visiting family, I had brought my telescope with me since I was still like only 13 or something like that. So I was setting the telescope up away from the family and the lights so I could see more. I look up to find something to aim at and there is there 3 yellow/amberish lights in the sky, they were square lights and they were turning on and off in succession and this object just moved steadily across the sky and made no noise that I could hear and these lights weren't tiny. I immediately ruled out airplane, helicopter, and am pretty certain it wasn't a blimp.

So I ran over to the family said look there's a UFO, no one believed me except one guy and of course by the time we get there it was gone. Till this day I still don't know what I seen.
