Well thank you, but really, I'm fine
Still, having been through it, I have to disagree. I think that when it comes to kids and death, the thing that causes more damage is the "sheltering" of the kids rather than the acceptance thereof. See, my bro and I were not allowed to go to her funeral, and didn't get closure for the longest time. In fact, the trigger that unblocked the memory of the accident was when a friend of my dad's let slip that she died in my lap (he took the stance that, in spite of me asking multiple times in childhood, he didn't think I was ready to know the truth--fatal mistake. A kid is ready to know when they ask). After that closure was easy.
Sure, on one acount I don't think ANYONE, especially at age 5, should have a parent die in their lap. But on the other hand, as I mentioned in the nightmares thread, the cryptic nightmares I got as a kid ended after I remebered the incident. Thus, in my bro's case, I don't think it would be good for him to remember flying past us through the windshield, but the general remembering of the incident itself might help for strong closure.
Plus, as my fiancee says, and yes, she is a psychologist, kids are much tougher, smarter, more resillient, and have a much better bullshit detwector than adults give them credit for
And again, as for what it was like, yeah, it sucked, and I'd never wish it on anyone, but not as bad as the subsequent 8 years living with the stepfamily.