Well we all know the problem, let's talk solutions.

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Bolland > You
May 27, 2010
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I'm going to spend some time patrolling the Interwebz for possible ideas to remedy our pitiful offensive line, but I don't know if there's any way to solve it before the season ends.

I'm sure Logan Mankins' name will come up ... but anyone else got a bright idea?

Part of me fears that the Bears have just been completely exposed, with no recourse available.


New member
Apr 16, 2010
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i'm sorry, but there is no solution to the ass fucking the Giants D-Line just gave you.


Jun 4, 2010
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windy city
It wasn't just the O-Line, the play-calling has to be accountable for the lack of protection adjustments.. Cutler needs to get the ball out quicker, but it was just pathetic to see him get hammered to the ground almost a dozen times..

good thing is, the defense kept the bears in the game until late in the fourth and that's really something considering the absence of offense, some of the turnovers they created were pure hustle, and they gave the team a chance to win.


Sep 13, 2010
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Carol Stream
As bad as our offensive line was no one was getting open and Cutler was holding on to the ball way too long. You can't point the finger at one group after this game.

Running Game: Bad
Receivers: Bad
Offensive Line: Bad
Quarterback: Played Poorly (but I give him the benefit of the doubt because if no one can get open and no one is going to block what else can he do?)


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CCS Hall of Fame '20
Jun 25, 2010
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As I said in the game thread, worst performance Ive ever seen by a Bears offense.

Other than complete breakdown in the offensive line. I dont know what else was the problem. NBC didnt show much of the WRs..but the few times I could look...they werent really getting open.

And of course the run game is tied to the offensive line. No blocking = no run game.


Jun 4, 2010
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windy city
As bad as our offensive line was no one was getting open and Cutler was holding on to the ball way too long. You can't point the finger at one group after this game.

Running Game: Bad
Receivers: Bad
Offensive Line: Bad
Quarterback: Played Poorly (but I give him the benefit of the doubt because if no one can get open and no one is going to block what else can he do?)

That's what I was wondering too, with all that rush the giants sent, there can't have been that much zone.. either the receivers played really bad, or they couldn't get open because the routes called took too long to develop. Let's just hope Jay's injury isn't too serious..


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Apr 19, 2010
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It wasn't just the O-Line, the play-calling has to be accountable for the lack of protection adjustments.. Cutler needs to get the ball out quicker, but it was just pathetic to see him get hammered to the ground almost a dozen times..

Cutler had two choices tonight: throw the ball into coverage or get smoked by the d-linemen. That's all he could do. And I know the commentators love to harp on QB's for not getting the ball out sooner, but what was the guy supposed to do, throw into heavy coverage? Part of the problem was that there were times when the Bears only sent 2-3 WR's out on routes while the rest of the TE's/RB's stayed in to help the protection. Even then, the 4-man rush of the Giants was able to get into Cutler's grill (if you're keeping 6-7 in to block and they're only rushing 4, the QB should be able to hold on to the ball however the hell long he wants in the pocket without fear of getting hit), and he had to deal with 2-3 dumb, tiny WR's trying to slice through 7-man coverage.

Wanna blame the play-calling? Ok, I can understand the argument, but the focus still should be solely on this o-line, their play tonight (and really, the entire season) has been embarrassing.
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Crow's Nest
Apr 16, 2010
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Behind you
The worst thing about this terrible O-Line is that JA and Lovie will likely do nothing about it and trot out the same horrendous players. If Chris Williams can play next week, that leaves 4 turnstiles on the field


Jun 4, 2010
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windy city
I'm not trying to pinpoint the blame on anybody in particular, obviously you can't after such an atrocious overall performance of the offense, yes the O-line was terrible, but i've seen a few times where they gave Cutler enough time to get the ball out and he danced around trying to make something happen. Anyhow, I'll agree that most of the time, the protection just wasn't there, at ALL.. but then again, everyone here knew beforehand that the offensive line unit was the big question mark.


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CCS Hall of Fame '19
Apr 16, 2010
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Forest Park
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we aren't going to fix the online this season. There's hardly anyone out there. It's going to have to be through FA or the Draft.


CCS Donator
Apr 16, 2010
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Jay Cutler made a couple of bad passes. But I think his major mistake was not drawing one roughing the passer penalty in the beginning of the game. He really did need to keep his eyes on his potential receivers, and not on his pourous protection. There were a few easy scrimmage passes he could have made off to his sides... and he likely would've drawn a penalty... which, in itself, could have helped to slow down the NYG blitz.

But the main problem was the horrible offensive line... though they should have attempted to run more... there wasn't much they were going to get on this night. It's time for this team to draft a shit load of linemen to give Cutler more time in the pocket, and to block for Forte and Taylor.

The Bears also need to draft receivers, but they were almost non-existent all game tonight anyway.


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Apr 19, 2010
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I know one of the plays you're talking about, as Collinsworth tried to point it out during the broadcast. I get the general idea behind that, but come on, the available pass was on his blind side and he had just spent the last however-many plays getting smoked by a 4-man rush with nobody getting open downfield. I understand the argument behind getting the ball downfield quickly, but that would have forced him to 1) throw the ball at receivers that don't know it's coming and/or throw into heavy coverage.

Obviously the CB (I think it was) that Cutler didn't see on his ill-fated pass to Olsen over the middle was his fault, but the rest of this you can't (or shouldn't, rather) put on Cutler. He had big angry black men putting their nuts in his grill from the opening snap.


Driving Wreckless DA Best
May 10, 2010
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I'm not saying the O-line has played good because there not even close to that. But, the last 6 quarters tyhat have played good so I wonder what happen.

The blame only goes on the O-line.

The RB's can't run because of the O-line. The WR's never had a chance tp get open, Cutler had to get out of the pocket or he's laying on the ground. The Bears WR are the ones that have to have time because with their speed they can get open deep and make something happen.

However, I did not like the playing calling today at all. Martz should of opened the book a little more and so trick plays and see if that works. He only did 1 reverse. The worse part was, the Giants were getting to the QB with the 4 D-Line nand that means they were able to drop 7 in coverage and that was a disater.

This is what I think.

Gustavus Adolphus

CCS Hall of Fame '20
Jun 15, 2010
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Best solution is to blow this team up and move them to L.A.


v. 2.0: Fully Modded
CCS Hall of Fame '19
May 4, 2010
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That's what I was wondering too, with all that rush the giants sent, there can't have been that much zone.. either the receivers played really bad, or they couldn't get open because the routes called took too long to develop. Let's just hope Jay's injury isn't too serious..
The Giants were in lots of deep zones. The interception Cutler threw was against zone. When you can get pressure with only 4 guys you can biscally drop 7 guys into coverage and not have to man up. The Giants were playing lots of Cover 2 and Cover 3.

Cutler had two choices tonight: throw the ball into coverage or get smoked by the d-linemen. That's all he could do. And I know the commentators love to harp on QB's for not getting the ball out sooner, but what was the guy supposed to do, throw into heavy coverage? Part of the problem was that there were times when the Bears only sent 2-3 WR's out on routes while the rest of the TE's/RB's stayed in to help the protection. Even then, the 4-man rush of the Giants was able to get into Cutler's grill (if you're keeping 6-7 in to block and they're only rushing 4, the QB should be able to hold on to the ball however the hell long he wants in the pocket without fear of getting hit), and he had to deal with 2-3 dumb, tiny WR's trying to slice through 7-man coverage.

Wanna blame the play-calling? Ok, I can understand the argument, but the focus still should be solely on this o-line, their play tonight (and really, the entire season) has been embarrassing.

I know one of the plays you're talking about, as Collinsworth tried to point it out during the broadcast. I get the general idea behind that, but come on, the available pass was on his blind side and he had just spent the last however-many plays getting smoked by a 4-man rush with nobody getting open downfield. I understand the argument behind getting the ball downfield quickly, but that would have forced him to 1) throw the ball at receivers that don't know it's coming and/or throw into heavy coverage.

Obviously the CB (I think it was) that Cutler didn't see on his ill-fated pass to Olsen over the middle was his fault, but the rest of this you can't (or shouldn't, rather) put on Cutler. He had big angry black men putting their nuts in his grill from the opening snap.

These two posts. Collinsworth sounded like an idiot last night to anyone paying attention. On the Cutler INT he got all pissy with Cutler because he should have seen the coverage. Then, outside of two sacks that were Jay not taking checkdowns right away he was all over Cutler's ass aboutnot getting rid of the ball in a hurry.....to who and where Chris? They constantly showed views of the field with no WR's open. So does Collinsworth want Cutler to throw into coverage so Collinsworth can be all over his ass about "should have seen the coverage" or does he want him to hold the ball and take the hit so he can get all over Cutler about "not getting rid of the ball"?

Maybe Cutler needed to chuck it into the stands a few times rather than take the sack but he was still going to get hit either way and it doesn't change the fact that there were barely ever any open Bears WR's.
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CCS Hall of Fame '20
Jun 25, 2010
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These two posts. Collinsworth sounded like an idiot last night to anyone paying attention. On the Cutler INT he got all pissy with Cutler because he should have seen the coverage. Then, outside of two sacks that were Jay not taking checkdowns right away he was all over Cutler's ass aboutnot getting rid of the ball in a hurry.....to who and where Chris? They constantly showed views of the field with no WR's open. So does Collinsworth want Cutler to throw into coverage so Collinsworth can be all over his ass about "should have seen the coverage" or does he want him to hold the ball and take the hit so he can get all over Cutler about "not getting rid of the ball"?

Ever since the GB game last season...Collinsworth has not had anything good to say about Cutler. It was like that game made Collinsworth believe Jay Cutler is the worst QB in the league...Though Jay hasnt helped his cause at all on NBC as he has thrown only 4 touchdowns to 8 interceptions on that station as a Bear. But regardless, Collinsworth seemingly just spends all of his time bashing Cutler (As do those talking heads on ESPN)..Luckily the Bears dont play on NBC again this year.


New member
Aug 16, 2010
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hell yea my solution is fire lovie dovie and get Logan mankins and bench all the stupid players that cant block.


Bolland > You
May 27, 2010
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The one sack that I am going to pin on Cutler is the one that ultimately knocked him out of the game: Aaron Ross' corner blitz. It appeared that Cutler looked right at him after the snap. He had 3 WRs running at 2 NYG defenders, and Bennett ran a quick out and would've been wide open for a big gain.

By then, though, the damage had been done, and Cutler had been efficiently rattled.

You have to throw a lot of the blame on the OLine, because they were just inept. I don't recall that many elaborate blitzes by the Giants ... just a lot of 1-on-1 battles being lost.

Here's what really worries me, though:

Martz appeared too stubborn to make the proper gameplan adjustments. Receivers were still running deep and Cutler was still taking deep drops, even though the OL had proven they weren't going to be able to handle the rush. For all the praise he got in Dallas, I think he deserves a fair amount of criticism for what happened last night.


Driving Wreckless DA Best
May 10, 2010
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I think JA needs to go before Lovie, he's calling the moves in the offseason and the Bears needed OL, nothing else and they do shit to help their cause. I know they had no draft picks, but at least try to get a steal in the 3rd or 4th round, not 7th like they did. Not to mention, Louis was not even a OL, he was listed as a TE when they drafted him.
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