Someone should wipe him and his 10 followers out.
See what they created in Afghanistan today?
Oi Vey. What a fucking tool!
See what they created in Afghanistan today?
Oi Vey. What a fucking tool!
Different guy. Terry Jones I think is the guy in Florida that burned some korans.
Someone should wipe him and his 10 followers out.
See what they created in Afghanistan today?
Oi Vey. What a fucking tool!
Can't. Have. It. Both. Ways.
Killing over religion is wacked out, stupid.
Been going on for centuries, the crusades was not about religion, just money and politics .
What ever. They are a bunch of idiots. So it's legal. Karma will **** them sooner or later.
And you are 100% incorrect, when it effects National Security you can have it both ways.
This time is was UN personnel. Next time maybe US Troops?
I was just clarifying what an ass hat he and his very FEW ffollowers are. I don't need you teaching me about Constitutional Law, or Original Intent. I'm perfectly aware of both.
It puts Americans in harms way.
Can't if he is exercising his first amendment rights......
....and yes I am being sarcastic.
Can't if he is exercising his first amendment rights......
....and yes I am being sarcastic.
Sensationalism 101 is what it's all about. But hey the Constitution protects that. Although I'm not quite sure that would be the original intent. Personal agenda, while using the name of "his" God in doing so.
Somethings never change.
I bet Fluff got a good ol' hardon over the koran burning.
Your new avatar cracked me up