I've found that religious nutjobs are really just the same--whichever diety they have on Speed-dial is merely window dressing.
It's exactly like the "ultra-liberal" and "ultra-conservative" political whackjobs. Whether or not they're "Liberal" or "Conservative" is merely window-dressing; the real business they are in is reducing your liberties and rights so that they can make your life follow their stunted ideal.
Bang on. You could see the battle in those poor kids, trying to convince themselves what they are doing is right when every cell in their body says otherwise. You see it with all the facets of belief. Ultra Liberals/Conservatives are easy. They will blatantly piss on the right thing to do the party thing.
Simple extremism no matter what the subject matter is.
Are the people in the wbc crazy? well I think anyone who believes in imaginary friends is either a little delusional or a bit willfully ignorant(i.e. believing because the alternative is unpleasant to you).
The wbc are not saying anything you cant back up with the bible. Then again moderate christian teachings can claim that as well. So to me judging by the bible the contradictory mess it is, I don't think they are any more wrong in their interpretation of the bible than your average faith-light christians. Its like the democrats and republicans of christianity.