Path of Exile. If anyone's a fan of old school Diablo 2, it's that on steroids and better than anything blizzard has put out since.
I was surprised they recently teased Diablo 4 after the track loop flop of Diablo 3.
I always thought Diablo 3 would have been a wicked expansion at the height of Warcraft. Like...Hell Erupts and takes over Warcraft with this huge underground level and new characters and classes, etc.
That would have been integrative, built on what they were doing, and sick as ****. Instead they let a mad man lose his mind, while taking 8 years to basically make a circle you had to run 16 times to complete the game by himself. Fucking joke and fail.
Diablo 3 is fun on consoles for a weekend, imo, if you like an arcade style battle with a few friends. Too often you get bogged down in a grind running the same loop until you get an affix or a weapon that overpowers you for a couple laps. I just can't believe they made you run the same game in a loop 4 times to unlock the final Diablo and then the other bullshit armors.
They better redeem themselves with 4.