Are u kidding me? Its the best multiplayer game ever
Its old now but still popular
check out this known player making this comeback
I admit I am bragging, but I once played a 10 v 10 snipers-only match in Medal of Honor where my entire team was slaughtered in the first like 2 minutes.
It was legit me vs 10 of them, and this was a really good team.... one of our rivals in the top 5 of competitive matches at the time.
It was the V2 Rocket Map.
My assignment was to go for the control room with another guy, we got to the room adjacent to the control room and went 4 on 2 for about 10 seconds.... my buddy went down and it was 4 on1, then they realized it was 10 on 1 and started rushing towards me.
It took like 2-3 more minutes of frantic lean-dodging, and I managed to get 3 of them to kill their own guys trying to kill me in close quarters, but I got all of them, including a 1on1 duel at the end.
I had 9 of my guys on vent watching me, telling me where to go and what to do, and all I did was listen to the top 3 guys on my team. I did exactly what they said pretty much and just kept moving.
Never won something like that before nor since, it was nuts.
I had the same username there as here, and one of our guys was a German dude who immigrated over to the US.
At one point I was near death with 5 of them shooting at me in close quarters, dodging shot after shot after shot, and he screams into his mic "DANCE ARES, DANCE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
Funniest shit I ever experienced... I was laughing so hard I almost got clipped.