... It had been a knee injury I had when I was young and too stupid to wait for the local parking lot to freeze over; I skated on it -my skate caught pavement (which is normal on a partly frozen partly paved) parking lot ... I didn't stop but my knee did...
I had this massive knot on the side of my right knee for the better part of the Winter. Of course I was going to school downstate -so the pond there at EIU did not freeze over all that often -so I was pretty into playing parking lot pick up hockey (just starting out - young and stupid you know) ... so I decided the best thing I could do was to put on some shin guards to protect my knee --- second dumbest thing I did that Winter -as the joint was right where the knot in my knee was ... and that was some killer pain....
Ok... well, that was the worst until (this is like 15 years later), I was down with a cold or a flu or something ... was all groggy, had some hot soup on a big sort of tray thing .. I don't know why I felt I had to move ... but I spilled some on my .... well, yeah - let's just say getting kicked there sucks -- but having boiling water poured on them ain't no picnic.. I nearly blacked out I think.
And then finally for all of you young guys ... get a kidney stone ... until you get on the really high powered pain killers - you really have no idea what pain is ... it starts out feeling like someone slugged you in the kidney with a hammer ... then proceeds down the system.
Personally I suggest avoiding that if at all possible.
Although probably the worst injury I have ever had was getting a knee to the base of the neck (even while wearing a helmet) while playing out at the ice rink in Aurora... am fairly certain I got a concussion from that one although I never had it checked out. Remember that Snickers' commercial where the QB answered all the questions right until they asked him who he was? Yep, that's right -- I was Batman back then too

... Also highly recommend not doing that.