What was the point of hiring John Fox going into rebuild mode?


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Mar 23, 2016
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John fox is well into his 60's with heart problems and most likely will not be around when we have the talent to be serious contenders. We might as well have hired a young upstart coach and see what he had. We won't be contenders in 2017, 18 or 19, unless we somehow luck into a franchise qb.

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Who is it you think they should have hired? Fox was the obvious choice for a whole slew of reasons. Trestman was an "upstart" coach. How did that work out?


Variant Also Negotiates
Aug 21, 2012
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personally I think next year is a playoff spot possibility.......

I think they traded offense for a chance at greatness on the D.

They could have kept the aging and troubled offensive guys, but we really don't know how bad Bennett and Marshall were in the locker room.

I really would have like Forte another 2 years.....Pace is also the person who went out and spent for guys on the D which is near and dear to Fox...So Pace was in line with quick improvement, just on the defense and not the offense.
It seems to me no one wants to see the Bears as having playoff possibilities this year for fear of being called a kool aid drinking Pace homer.

The Bears significantly upgraded the DL with Hicks and sounding like Bullard. They went from the absolute worst ILB tandem in the NFL to arguably the best. OLB the same at worst. DB's are also at worst the same, and depending on Amos' improvement and Bush, et al, possibly better.

The O line is a question mark, but no more so than Leno, Slausen, skinny Grasu, Ducasse/Omameh, miscast Long. WR likely much better, QB same, RB a likely downgrade,but not off a cliff. TE is a train wreck, but last year's version of Bennett was meh.

Add to this going from a top 3 SOS schedule to bottom 5 and I don't see how playoffs should not be every fans expectation. The fact that Fox and Fangio could drive that Yugo to 6 wins and within 4 points or fewer in regulation of 5 more wins was quite an achievement.

I might be way off, but I know sure as fuck I am having more fun right now than the Eyeores on this board. And if they go 6-10, oh well, I would get no sense of satisfaction from #calledit, anyway.


Variant Also Negotiates
Aug 21, 2012
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I'm 56 so all the people bitching about age can suck it. There is a reason older men run the world.Hope hag Hill doesn't fuck that up
Is it hard to type with an oxygen mask fogging up your quadfocals?


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Aug 14, 2011
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The problem is getting younger on offense meant get rid of every reliable/proven NFL level skill position talent with the exception of an unreliable Jeffery. I just don't think Fox was brought in to get this team to the playoffs in years 1 or 2. Pace's moves don't really align with that. You might say they are aiming for year three or so but I don't see this team really competing for the playoffs in a meaningful way until 2018.

I understand what you are saying and if they had a job to put together the best ONE YEAR run in 2016 with what resources were available, those players would still be on the team. But, the Bears are looking to build their team through the draft and with young FA additions so they can have a team that has a competitive window for several years. 2016 is in no way the finished product (if it is, they failed). But with that said, I honestly do believe that Fox and Pace have it in their minds that they can make the playoffs this year. What they are going to use as reasoning is the fact that while the Bears were 6-10 last year, they played the toughest schedule and were competitive in those games. Fox was actually on the Boers and Bernstein show today and mentioned this.


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Mar 23, 2016
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Adam Gase

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So the guy who only ended up coaching in Chicago because of the guy you said they shouldn't have hired?

We'll see how he ends up doing as a HC. To make another risky move with an upstart offensive minded coach after the one they just hired blew up in their face would seem highly questionable. Its a pretty big stretch to say hiring Gase would have been a better move.


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Aug 20, 2012
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John Fox is an above average, underrated coach who has done well in his head coaching career. The Bears got extremely lucky he was let go, as he built a super bowl contending team.

Some people want the OC/DC HC route because it's exciting; personally I'm happy the Bears went with Fox.

The Bears were competitive in every game last season. That's great and a huge step. Expect this team to compete this coming season.

The Hawk

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It seems to me no one wants to see the Bears as having playoff possibilities this year for fear of being called a kool aid drinking Pace homer.

The Bears significantly upgraded the DL with Hicks and sounding like Bullard. They went from the absolute worst ILB tandem in the NFL to arguably the best. OLB the same at worst. DB's are also at worst the same, and depending on Amos' improvement and Bush, et al, possibly better.

The O line is a question mark, but no more so than Leno, Slausen, skinny Grasu, Ducasse/Omameh, miscast Long. WR likely much better, QB same, RB a likely downgrade,but not off a cliff. TE is a train wreck, but last year's version of Bennett was meh.

Add to this going from a top 3 SOS schedule to bottom 5 and I don't see how playoffs should not be every fans expectation. The fact that Fox and Fangio could drive that Yugo to 6 wins and within 4 points or fewer in regulation of 5 more wins was quite an achievement.

I might be way off, but I know sure as fuck I am having more fun right now than the Eyeores on this board. And if they go 6-10, oh well, I would get no sense of satisfaction from #calledit, anyway.

Right now, this team will not score 10 points a game. That defense better be able to shut a helluva lot of teams down. I say that 4-12 is probably where they are record wise.


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Aug 14, 2011
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Right now, this team will not score 10 points a game. That defense better be able to shut a helluva lot of teams down. I say that 4-12 is probably where they are record wise.

I will bet you 1,000 dollars that the Bears average more than 10 points a game this year. Deal?


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CCS Hall of Fame '21
Sep 7, 2014
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It seems to me no one wants to see the Bears as having playoff possibilities this year for fear of being called a kool aid drinking Pace homer.

The Bears significantly upgraded the DL with Hicks and sounding like Bullard. They went from the absolute worst ILB tandem in the NFL to arguably the best. OLB the same at worst. DB's are also at worst the same, and depending on Amos' improvement and Bush, et al, possibly better.

The O line is a question mark, but no more so than Leno, Slausen, skinny Grasu, Ducasse/Omameh, miscast Long. WR likely much better, QB same, RB a likely downgrade,but not off a cliff. TE is a train wreck, but last year's version of Bennett was meh.

Add to this going from a top 3 SOS schedule to bottom 5 and I don't see how playoffs should not be every fans expectation. The fact that Fox and Fangio could drive that Yugo to 6 wins and within 4 points or fewer in regulation of 5 more wins was quite an achievement.

I might be way off, but I know sure as fuck I am having more fun right now than the Eyeores on this board. And if they go 6-10, oh well, I would get no sense of satisfaction from #calledit, anyway.

Playoffs certainly aren't out the realm of possibilities, but it's not the most likely scenario either. Having an easy schedule is great and all, but it could very well end up being the toughest... that's why i put little weight in to that. We just don't know.

People clamoring 4-12 (hawk) are on the extremely pessimistic side of the equation, people saying 10-6 (12-4 if you're desp) are on the extremely optimistic side of the equation... but like most things in life, reality will fall somewhere in between.

8-8 is a safe bet imo.


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Aug 14, 2010
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John fox is well into his 60's with heart problems and most likely will not be around when we have the talent to be serious contenders. We might as well have hired a young upstart coach and see what he had. We won't be contenders in 2017, 18 or 19, unless we somehow luck into a franchise qb.

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Keep Fox around for this year because it is his second year and he always improves the team by his second year.

Then replace him with 91 year old (92 by then) Marv Levy ... just to piss off Optimus Prime.


Aug 21, 2012
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Right now, this team will not score 10 points a game. That defense better be able to shut a helluva lot of teams down. I say that 4-12 is probably where they are record wise.



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Nov 20, 2013
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Fox is actually one of the better coaches in the league when it comes to rebuilding. He has been awful when his teams are expected to compete though. Look at what he did in Denver. He built that defense from the ground up. His teams in Carolina were also very good, but he could never get them over the hump. Fox is the perfect fit for what the Bears are trying to do right now which is to get a solid foundation in place. If that is successful, Fox will be shown the door (just like in Denver) and a new coach will be brought in that can hopefully put the team over the top.

It's no different than what Theo did with the Cubs. He went through a couple scrappy coaches that were more or less foreman just overseeing a demolition project and then when the new high rise was almost finished Theo went and got an interior design expert to put the finishing touches on the project.


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Fox is actually one of the better coaches in the league when it comes to rebuilding. He has been awful when his teams are expected to compete though. Look at what he did in Denver. He built that defense from the ground up. His teams in Carolina were also very good, but he could never get them over the hump. Fox is the perfect fit for what the Bears are trying to do right now which is to get a solid foundation in place. If that is successful, Fox will be shown the door (just like in Denver) and a new coach will be brought in that can hopefully put the team over the top.

It's no different than what Theo did with the Cubs. He went through a couple scrappy coaches that were more or less foreman just overseeing a demolition project and then when the new high rise was almost finished Theo went and got an interior design expert to put the finishing touches on the project.
Carolina had a SB appearance with Fox, as did Denver. How is that not "getting a team over the hump"?


CCS Donator
Jun 19, 2011
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Is OP suggesting that we can expect the rebuild to take 5 years? Cause thats absurd.


CCS Hall of Fame
CCS Hall of Fame '19
Dec 12, 2011
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Without John Fox there is no way that Vic Fangio would have come over and taken over a talentless mess of a defense.

That alone makes him a huge upgrade at HC.


v. 2.0: Fully Modded
CCS Hall of Fame '19
May 4, 2010
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I understand what you are saying and if they had a job to put together the best ONE YEAR run in 2016 with what resources were available, those players would still be on the team. But, the Bears are looking to build their team through the draft and with young FA additions so they can have a team that has a competitive window for several years.

That's fine. I wasn't disagreeing with the plan, I was simply stating what it is.

But with that said, I honestly do believe that Fox and Pace have it in their minds that they can make the playoffs this year. What they are going to use as reasoning is the fact that while the Bears were 6-10 last year, they played the toughest schedule and were competitive in those games. Fox was actually on the Boers and Bernstein show today and mentioned this.
That's fine. If the Bears make the playoffs this year IMO they "sneak" in. If the plan goes as prescribed I think 2017 and 2018 are the years where the Bears make the playoffs because they "should" not because IMO, if they make it this year they kind of sneak in as a 9-7 2nd WC team.


Variant Also Negotiates
Aug 21, 2012
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Mountains to Sea
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His teams in Carolina were also very good, but he could never get them over the hump.

It's no different than what Theo did with the Cubs. He went through a couple scrappy coaches that were more or less foreman just overseeing a demolition project and then when the new high rise was almost finished Theo went and got an interior design expert to put the finishing touches on the project.

Renteria was a first time MLB manager, Fox is a veteran coach with 2 SB appearances. The cubs fired Renteria after a 73-89 season when a once a decade or longer chance to hire a great manager materialized. The Bears are not going to fire Fox if he all but wins the Super Bowl. Thinking that the Bears hired Fox to just get the Bears back to a playoff contender and then replace him was spawned in No Clue Talking Out My Ass Land. The thought that Pace would fire a coach that has the team ascending because he was unable to win his last two SB appearances is just silly. Fox will be treated just like every other coach once his teams stagnate or regress he will be fired, not until then, end of stupid story.


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Aug 14, 2011
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That's fine. If the Bears make the playoffs this year IMO they "sneak" in. If the plan goes as prescribed I think 2017 and 2018 are the years where the Bears make the playoffs because they "should" not because IMO, if they make it this year they kind of sneak in as a 9-7 2nd WC team.

My hope is that there is meaningful football in December. If they were to sneak in, that would be great. Just looking ahead at the schedule.. Packers, Redskins, at Vikings are the last 3. Get to those games still in the hunt and play tough and hopefully they will build on that going into 2017.
