What were the 70s like?


Señor Member
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Thats all my point was..It was around in the 70s..I knew about it, and so did people I knew

You claimed it wasnt...I showed you it was

Are we done?

One more thing. Bullshit. Neither you nor anyone you knew had ever heard of AIDS in the 70's. In 1981 it was called *** Related Immuno Deficiency.

I'm done.

Nail Polish

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Aug 20, 2012
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So because it was called by something else, it didn't exist?

This is an all too common of an ocurrrence here on these boards...Someone loses an argument so they play the semantics game to save face...lol


Señor Member
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So because it was called by something else, it didn't exist?

This is an all too common of an ocurrrence here on these boards...Someone loses an argument so they play the semantics game to save face...lol

So you're not done? Okay.

Nothing to do with semantics, everything to do with awareness. The general public was completely unaware of this disease in the 1970's. When it first made it into the public eye it was thought of as a "*** disease", and even that was in 1981, not the 70's. You seem convinced that you and you're friends were the only people on the planet that knew this was an STD in the 70's. Okay let's just leave at this:

"You and your friends, the three other research scientists that were way ahead of the CDC, saw this coming and kept it to yourself. Leaving the public completely unaware of the terrible deadly epidemic."

Cool story.

Nail Polish

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Aug 20, 2012
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The CDC didnt start TRACKING cases till the 80's, but AIDS was alive and well in the US in the 70's...

Either you didnt read the half dozen or so links I provided, and the bolded parts I posted, or you are just too stubborn to admit you were wrong

Either way, I did my part. Adios


Señor Member
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T AIDS was alive and well in the US in the 70's...

I was alive and working in the 1970's. The AIDS scare was real.

No, there is no such thing as the "1970's aids scare", it didn't happen, you are making things up. Find me one article making reference to this STD from the 1970's. No one knew about this, not you or your friends. One article from the 70's and I will apologize. You won't find that article because it doesn't exist.

" By 1980, HIV had spread to at least five continents (North America, South America, Europe, Africa and Australia). During this period of silence, spread was unchecked by awareness or any preventive action

Nobody knew what it was in the 70's. Man up and admit you were wrong, of show me an article describing this STD from the 1070's. Until then anymore meaningless crap about early Aids related deaths that never made to the American consciousness is just you being afraid of being wrong.

Nobody knew about the STD AIDS in the 70's. Prove me wrong.

In the meantime here is video showing NBC's Earliest Report on AIDS 1982. You had known for 4 years but NBC just found out.



Señor Member
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Here is the NY Times first mention of what would years later become known as AIDS.


Published: July 3, 1981

Doctors in New York and California have diagnosed among homosexual men 41 cases of a rare and often rapidly fatal form of cancer. Eight of the victims died less than 24 months after the diagnosis was made.
The cause of the outbreak is unknown, and there is as yet no evidence of contagion."

The NY Times didn't know the cause in July of 1981, but you knew years earlier? BS

"The great AIDS scare of the 1970's" Some people will make absurd impossible claims to feel important, and wind up looking pathetic.


Staff member
Apr 16, 2013
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You would think with all the heroine roaming the streets and the needle sharing epidemic that aids def. had to be around if it was called something else

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


Objective Fanboy
Aug 21, 2012
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how did we go from hairy hippy chicks too an aids argument?


This place is dead and buried.
CCS Hall of Fame '21
Aug 21, 2012
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this was the most unfortunately timed product in history, since we are taking about aids...

Nail Polish

CCS Donator
Aug 20, 2012
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Here is the NY Times first mention of what would years later become known as AIDS.


Published: July 3, 1981

Doctors in New York and California have diagnosed among homosexual men 41 cases of a rare and often rapidly fatal form of cancer. Eight of the victims died less than 24 months after the diagnosis was made.
The cause of the outbreak is unknown, and there is as yet no evidence of contagion."

The NY Times didn't know the cause in July of 1981, but you knew years earlier? BS

"The great AIDS scare of the 1970's" Some people will make absurd impossible claims to feel important, and wind up looking pathetic.

OMG..I cant believe that you are this fucking dense.
I will take it real slow and deliberate so that even someone as brain dead as you are can understand

It was named AIDS after the CDC started tracking it in 81. Prior to that they didnt have an official name for it, but it was around as I am about to show you once again.

The CDC started tracking and calling it aids in 81 because in 81 it started affecting Hetero's as well as Homosexuals, and was then classified as an epidemic.. Prior to Heteros getting it, the govt didnt give a shit cause it was strictly a *** persons disease. People called it *** Cancer, Kaposi's Sarcoma etc.. In 81 they started tracking it and calling it AIDS which is the name then given to it. AIDs was around as far back as the 60's but there wasn't a formal name for it.

You seem to think because it wasn't named AIDS before 81 it didn't exist..It most certainly did, and here is yet more proof to show you that..


"Earliest Evidence of HIV Infection in the United States

Although AIDS was not recognized as a new clinical syndrome until 1981, researchers examining the earlier medical literature identified cases appearing to fit the AIDS surveillance definition as early as the 1950s and 1960s.(12) Frozen tissue and serum samples were available for one of these possible early AIDS cases, a 15-year-old black male from St. Louis who was hospitalized in 1968 and died of an aggressive, disseminated KS.(13) His tissue and serum specimens were HIV-antibody positive on Western blot and antigen-positive on ELISA. This appears to be the first confirmed case of HIV infection in the United States. The patient had no history of travel out of the country, so it is likely that some other persons in the United States were infected with HIV as long ago as the 1960s, if not earlier."

So..Do you now understand that although it wasnt formally called AIDS, the disease was around in the 70s? If you can't see that, there is no hope for you. I have showed you article after article referencing AIDS back to the 70's and even earlier..

The old saying "You can bring a horse to water but ya can't make him drink", certainly applies to you

Maybe this will convince you??


"Not too many people knew about the HIV AIDS epidemic in the 1970s. It was mistaken for a kind of cancer called Kaposi’s sarcoma, wherein a person gets weaker by the day. No one could figure out the reason behind such weakness and loss of immunity until the 1980s, when the disease took the shape of pandemic and expanded its tentacles in all the four largest continents, USA, Europe, Africa and Asia. There was no other option, but to contemplate on HIV in the 1980s it, as it demanded so many lives around the globe."

And here is yet another article documenting it back to the 70's


"HIV went directly from Africa to Haiti, then spread to the United States and much of the rest of the world beginning around 1969, suggests an international team of researchers.

When AIDS was officially recognized in 1981 in the U.S., for instance, the unusually high prevalence of the disease in Haitian immigrants fueled speculation that the Caribbean island was the source of the mysterious illness.

Another theory held that the AIDS epidemic spread from the U.S. in the mid-1970s after Haiti became a popular destination for sex tourism."

"When AIDS was officially recognized in 1981 in the U.S."

This backs up my point about it not being recognized as AIDS till the 80's but was around before

"Using advanced statistical techniques, Worobey and his colleagues estimated that the subtype B strain reached Haiti sometime around 1966 and the United States around 1969.

"Until AIDS was initially recognized in 1981, the virus was cryptically [hiddenly] circulating in a sophisticated medical environment for the better part of 12 years," Worobey said."

Here is another reference to it being here in the 70's


"The book provides new details of the early spread of acquired immune deficiency syndrome in the late 1970's "
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This place is dead and buried.
CCS Hall of Fame '21
Aug 21, 2012
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To be fair BB, the report you cite is a retroactive, post '81 look back at "mystery cases".

The report also cites that the name GRIDS was used for only a short while- the earliest media mention I found in a quick search was here, on 5-11-82, which pegs the term as being in use for about a year.

All data points to the condition being "discovered" as in identified as a new disease, and named in the early 80's.
Earlier instances seem to be a retroactive solving of instances that were not classified.

But the final point is this- the report that got the ball rolling was this-
In the period October 1980—May 1981, 5 young
men, all active homosexuals, were treated for
biopsy-confirmed Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia
at 3 different hospitals in Los Angeles, California.
Two of the patients died.... Pneumocystis pneumonia
in the United States is almost exclusively
limited to severely immunosuppressed patients.
The occurrence of Pneumocystis in these 5 previously
healthy individuals without a clinically apparent
underlying immunodeficiency is unusual.
The fact that these patients were all homosexuals
suggests an association between some aspect
of a homosexual lifestyle or disease acquired
through sexual contact and Pneumocystis pneumonia
in this population.

Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report,
June 5, 1981

So yes, AIDS existed, Yes, people were dying of it, and no, I can find no periodic evidence that there was an awareness in the 70's of this disease being categorized... the only pre-80's information was retroactive study.

Nail Polish

CCS Donator
Aug 20, 2012
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To be fair BB, the report you cite is a retroactive, post '81 look back at "mystery cases".

The report also cites that the name GRIDS was used for only a short while- the earliest media mention I found in a quick search was here, on 5-11-82, which pegs the term as being in use for about a year.

All data points to the condition being "discovered" as in identified as a new disease, and named in the early 80's.
Earlier instances seem to be a retroactive solving of instances that were not classified.

But the final point is this- the report that got the ball rolling was this-
In the period October 1980—May 1981, 5 young
men, all active homosexuals, were treated for
biopsy-confirmed Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia
at 3 different hospitals in Los Angeles, California.
Two of the patients died.... Pneumocystis pneumonia
in the United States is almost exclusively
limited to severely immunosuppressed patients.
The occurrence of Pneumocystis in these 5 previously
healthy individuals without a clinically apparent
underlying immunodeficiency is unusual.
The fact that these patients were all homosexuals
suggests an association between some aspect
of a homosexual lifestyle or disease acquired
through sexual contact and Pneumocystis pneumonia
in this population.

Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report,
June 5, 1981

So yes, AIDS existed, Yes, people were dying of it, and no, I can find no periodic evidence that there was an awareness in the 70's of this disease being categorized... the only pre-80's information was retroactive study.

Correct...and as I explained, most of that is because prior to 81, they didnt know wtf they were dealing with, and had no formal name for it..It was being called all sorts of things. But if you watched the 10PM news during that time, there were reports of people dying from the "strange" disease no one knew what it was.

But my point is..Just because they didnt know what to call it and just because the Govt wasnt tracking it as an epidemic, it doesnt mean it didnt exist..In fact, every link I posted shows it DID exist. They just didnt call it AIDS until it was formally named in the early 80s

In fact, this now opens up another argument over whether the govt created AIDS..There is a CT that says the US created it as a biological weapon, and as a way to control the African population in the early 70's..But thats another argument for another day, and one I dont care to get involved in
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CCS Hall of Fame '21
Aug 21, 2012
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Correct...and as I explained, most of that is because prior to 81, they didnt know wtf they were dealing with, and had no formal name for it..It was being called all sorts of things. But if you watched the 10PM news during that time, there were reports of people dying from the "strange" disease no one knew what it was.

But my point is..Just because they didnt know what to call it and just because the Govt wasnt tracking it as an epidemic, it doesnt mean it didnt exist..In fact, every link I posted shows it DID exist. They just didnt call it AIDS until it was formally named in the early 80s

There is no doubt that it did exist- even as early as the 60's.
What I see no evidence of is anyone mentioning this mystery disease pre-1980.
CDC investigations retroactively fishing for early cases does not constitute a panic.
the first documented realization that there was in fact a mystery disease that did in fact seem to be focused in the *** and drug community was initiated in late 1980- and there is not a doctor worth his salt that would NOT chase a mystery disease if he noticed a pattern... that is a career-maker, even if it is an isolated disease that affects puppy-strangling serial killers.

Every piece of literature you posted on this is working backwards from 81- If there was in fact a news channel or a doctor hyping this new disease prior to its "discovery", that would be a big deal- it would change all the literature and point to that moment as the dawning of awareness..... and I have seen nothing that indicates anyone hyping a mystery disease scare.

Nail Polish

CCS Donator
Aug 20, 2012
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There is no doubt that it did exist- even as early as the 60's.
What I see no evidence of is anyone mentioning this mystery disease pre-1980.
CDC investigations retroactively fishing for early cases does not constitute a panic.
the first documented realization that there was in fact a mystery disease that did in fact seem to be focused in the *** and drug community was initiated in late 1980- and there is not a doctor worth his salt that would NOT chase a mystery disease if he noticed a pattern... that is a career-maker, even if it is an isolated disease that affects puppy-strangling serial killers.

Every piece of literature you posted on this is working backwards from 81- If there was in fact a news channel or a doctor hyping this new disease prior to its "discovery", that would be a big deal- it would change all the literature and point to that moment as the dawning of awareness..... and I have seen nothing that indicates anyone hyping a mystery disease scare.

There was one article that I posted that even referenced another name for it "Kaposi's Karcoma"..I specifically remember it being referenced on the news ... Also GRID (*** Related Immune Deficiency), but even that may have been 80's ish

We didnt know wtf we were dealing with. The govt didnt give a shit until it started affecting white hetero couples. Then all of a sudden they were concerned. Then the CDC got involved and someone labeled it AIDS. (I think the CDC did).

And of course the links I provided work backwards from 81. 81 was considered the starting point as far as it being labeled an epidemic, hence being relevant...Also, that's when research really took off cause the US started funding programs to find a cure for the aforementioned reasons... Plus, it's hard to get information on something that dated. Just cause they work backwards doesn't mean the disease wasn't around..In fact, by the mere mention of the disease prior to 81 proves it did exist..That's my point and I don't want to get sidetracked into another argument.

Plus..here is the killer..If AIDS didnt exist before 81, then when did the 81 reported cases contract the disease?..It has up to a 10 year incubation period..Just by doing the math should tell us, that if the AIDS cases were reported in 81, it was probably contracted by those people in the late 70's at least..

Silly me..It never dawned on me to go to the CDC's website


" We know that the virus has existed in the United States since at least the mid- to late 1970s."


If after all the posts made by myself, and even by you cant convince this "number51" guy, then he is truly a dolt and doesnt deserve any further communication on the subject
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Save America
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I think this forum is ready for a group Zumba class led by BearBud. .40 on this video and things get going. This could bring us closer together

At 5:09 check out Ole69


Nail Polish

CCS Donator
Aug 20, 2012
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I think this forum is ready for a group Zumba class led by BearBud. .40 on this video and things get going. This could bring us closer together

At 5:09 check out Ole69


Hey now..werent you just talking about being nice?...lol

Nail Polish

CCS Donator
Aug 20, 2012
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Check out the 1:02 mark...Thats Ommy trying to get a kiss from Clapton


Señor Member
Aug 25, 2012
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To be fair BB, the report you cite is a retroactive, post '81 look back at "mystery cases".

So yes, AIDS existed, Yes, people were dying of it, and no, I can find no periodic evidence that there was an awareness in the 70's of this disease being categorized... the only pre-80's information was retroactive study.


They had no idea it was an STD, therefor there was no "1970's AIDS scare". Maybe BearsBud is right, the world (with the exception of BearsBud and his friends) was "fucking dense". Even if that is the case, I don't think this group of BB and friends could constitute "a scare". The 80's AIDS scare was real, the 70's AIDS scare is fiction. Although in BB's defense, it is fun re-writing history.

Now back to the hairy hippy chicks. I don't think I ever really knew any actual hippies. The girls I knew back then shaved, not everything, legs and pits for sure, most guys were cool with that level of grooming. I find the Brazilian thing kinda creepy, leave something just out of tradition. Just one old mans opinion.
