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For years and years and years, journalists have held themselves up as gatekeepers of the truth. It has developed into an arrogance of "how dare you question us - don't you know who WE ARE? We are the truth people - you MUST believe us implicitly!"
I mean, this even goes back to Hub Arkush after the Bears fired him and he hated on them for a decade. Everyone could see there was a personal bias, but he'd get all pissed off and sanctimonious when anyone who called him on the radio questioned him on it.
To put it bluntly, sports media, and all media as a whole, functions on the capital of trust. And there has been WAY too much shit, in sports media and otherwise, where the media has lost and broken that trust, and rather than own it and say "we'll do better", they instead double down with a "how DARE you!" and end up making themselves the enemy of the people they are supposed to be getting that truth for.
And as trust is repeatedly broken, and in the age of when, thanks to the internet and camera phones, every day people can actually fact check these supposed journalists and capture HARD evidence of journalists pursuing agendas instead of truth and make it publicly available, there just is nowhere to hide anymore.
And because the younger generation has lived their whole lives on the internet, they've taken the patterns of when the media HAS lied and there WAS proof, and now see those patterns in places where there is no hard proof, which then flips on their skepticism switch.
Its the media's own agenda-seeking hubris that had caused this backlash, and they (and those that support them) likely are still too arrogant and narcissistic to admit it, which means their agendas remain extremely easy to see straight through...