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I was teaching University in Taiwan at the time.
Xuder your an interesting person.I was teaching University in Taiwan at the time.
I was on a plane. I landed at Ohare after a short flight from Michigan with only carry on luggage, got in a taxi and headed to a hotel in Rosemont. I was almost to the hotel when the drive said the WTC was on fire. There was a tv in the lobby showing the first tower on fire, I grabbed my room key and headed to my room. I opened the hotel room door, turned on the tv, sat on the edge of the bed, and watched the other tower get hit by another plane.
I remember the numb feeling. I remember the anger.
3 days later I was still stuck in Chicago so my wife and Father-in-law drove around the lake to come get me.
I went back into the USAF 6 months later.
Looking back I have questions that have never been answered about that day, Specially about the plane hitting the pentagon and Flight 93.
daver said:If I can figure out how to get my cargo there they are in for a surprise.I am beyond pissed right now.
daver said:I already have a ship available,but they want twelve thousand dollars to make the trip,so I am working on raising funds now.
voodoo_chile said:Daver, are you serious?
Please don't go attack a whole country by yourself...
daver said:I'm not by myself,I have plenty of help.And more munitions than you would think possible.
voodoo_chile said:No, I believe you believe that, but we are talking about a whole f'n country, and one that stood up to Russia for several years...
let the military handle this one... That is why we pay taxes after all, right?
I was an occupational therapy student doing a hospital internship and I was supposed to observe an orthopedic surgery that day. When I got to the surgical unit there were like 30 people in scrubs gathered around a TV and I thought it was odd.
Then in the OR the anesthesiologist was listening to news coverage on the radio and the surgeon told him to turn it off because he couldn't focus on what he was doing.
I was in and out of patient's rooms all day and of course they all had their tvs going. At the end of the day one of the OTs said she thought it was "end times" (i.e. the rapture) and another said we had to be afraid of the Pakistani doctors. I politely told them that was not helpful and we all needed to pull together. Then I went home and listened to fighter planes fly over my apartment all night.
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Lol Gus that sounds like a young The Hawk
He was an interesting character. He claimed to have never eaten anything that he didn't kill or grow himself. Not sure what he did full-time but he was some Illinois Fish and Game guy, who would bust people for not having their hunting or fishing license. He one time said that he "was technically a cop," to which a torrent of posters just crucified him for that comment until his embarrassment forced him to close the thread (he was a mod). Hated SABRmetrics and always made it a point to say that Don Cooper never kept track of pitches with a counter in his hand. Of course it was pointed out that all Don Cooper needed to do was look to his left because that was something always on a scoreboard.
My favorite was him telling a story that a kid he played HS with got beaned 8 times during a doubleheader because he was caught timing pitchers in the on deck circle. Apparently, this was such a baseball no-no that his coach apologized to the coach of the team that beaned this kid to death.
All in all, a very unintentional goofball of a dude.
He was an interesting character. He claimed to have never eaten anything that he didn't kill or grow himself. Not sure what he did full-time but he was some Illinois Fish and Game guy, who would bust people for not having their hunting or fishing license. He one time said that he "was technically a cop," to which a torrent of posters just crucified him for that comment until his embarrassment forced him to close the thread (he was a mod). Hated SABRmetrics and always made it a point to say that Don Cooper never kept track of pitches with a counter in his hand. Of course it was pointed out that all Don Cooper needed to do was look to his left because that was something always on a scoreboard.
My favorite was him telling a story that a kid he played HS with got beaned 8 times during a doubleheader because he was caught timing pitchers in the on deck circle. Apparently, this was such a baseball no-no that his coach apologized to the coach of the team that beaned this kid to death.
All in all, a very unintentional goofball of a dude.
Xuder your an interesting person.
You can be anything you want online.
And, you're*
I taught English.
Even a sneaky Canadian, eh?
You will need to provide me with reasons why anyone would want to pretend they are Canadian.
To trick people into believing they are polite and nonthreatening?
Sounds more like BearsBud
Sounds like a combo of The Hawk and BearsBud