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I for one am glad lebronze didn't come here.
your personal opinion of course and i understand where you are coming from..but dont you think lebron would fill quite a few needs for the bulls?
also..as i told DC...saying what your reaction would be to a certain situation...and your actual reaction is not always the same...because emotional ties towards things such as a team may have influence...
notice i said not always..that does not imply all the time or none of the time...nor does it imply that it would be different for you
I got so tired of Bulls fans begging this guy who hasn't won shit in this league to come here like he was the savior. He is no guarantee for a Bulls title.
well, i dont think any player individually is a guarantee for a bulls title...because you cant predict the future
i wouldnt say lebron was in the most ideal conditions in cleveland..but he himself had such an impcat on both sides of the balls..he atleast put the cavs in position to win titles...which considering the condition of the team now and before lebron, that is rather impressive atleast in my perspective
and i still disagree with weighing championships to judge a player...robert horry won more titles than jordan...but i wouldnt say he's coveted because he's a winner..you can make an argument that the player is used to winning therefore because he is not accustomed to losing...his mindset changes the atmosphere of the team..but whether or not that happens depends on a lot of things particularly how good the player is...nothing is guaranteed tho
He's not even a guarantee on his own team to win one.
not 100% sure what this means
I never liked lebron. I felt everything he does gets over-hyped like it's the greatest thing since sliced bread. So what that he's big and fast. Big fucking whoop. He may have slightly improved (And I used that word loosely) his jump-shot, but what good is it if he doesn't show up in the 4th quarters of big games in the Finals?
personal emotional opinion seems to have a big influence here..no?
anywho, yes lebron is hyped, but it is warranted in a lot of ways
he is 6'8 270...fast..can pass...versatile..great on defense...athletic
frankly he is the greatest physical specimen in terms of basketball that i have ever seen..the kid has natural ability..i mean he could have been on an nba roster as a sophomore
i think the biggest knock is, his mental game as well as a lack of work ethic in trying to really diversify his game i.e. adding low post ability to his repertoire which would be invaluable in so many ways
again my own opinion but i disagree with the thought that because a player in a relatively few instances in the finals(lets not go as far as to say the playoffs or a pressure setting..because lebron has performed well in both) that it should define who the player is...is the finals trend rather alarming?
yes...but again there is so much to consider in judging a player and his impact on his team...not to mention it could be possible that the finals "trend" is more of an anomaly than a trend..in other words, maybe we should see a larger sample size of lebron in the finals...consider that lebron is only 26...
I'm sick of the excuses being made for him. Oh it was his teammates, they were scrubs, but those scrubs danced and fake pictured their way to 127 wins in 2 seasons. No one was calling them scrubs then. But as soon as the playoffs roll around, now his teammates suck, never mind the fact that he quit on his team in 2010 and stunk it up in 2009.
i myself dont think those guys were scrubs..but lebron was by far the best player on the team(mo williams had a case for a last spot all star but am i the only one that thinks lebron made him a better player?)...not to mention its not a coincidence that the cavs fell flat on their face right after he left...you could argue that was a result of trades and injuries..but without those mishaps...would be the team even be an 8 seed in the east,much less even close to where lebron had them?
probably not
Oh, wait Delonte West was banging his mom, that's a good excuse to not show up. He is coddled and adored way too much for a guy who chokes when it counts. I'm glad Skip Bayless has the balls to speak out on him because everyone else is too busy slurping his sack to see that he isn't as great as he is made out to be.
lol..i doubt delonte actually banged his mom..so i agree with you there..
i wouldnt say lebron is adored at all anymore, even before, i would say he was well liked and venerated in some regard, but there was good reason..
and here we go again with the "chokes when it counts" but in what instances do we differentiate when it does or does not count..is it just the finals...if so then your point about lebron quitting in 2010 becomes moot(im also not particulary sold he quit...i think he partly had just an awful series because he was pretty scared of boston..but thats jmo)
i think you are misconstruing GOAT talent and potential for actually being the GOAT...People are saying he has GOAT talent, please. GOATS don't go winless in the Finals. GOATS win.
frankly i dont think lebron will ever be the GOAT..and i think his chances get smaller every year..however considering the natural talent(see my other post) and physical ability he has(potential is one thing, but fulfilling your potential and talent is completely separate) i dont think its too far-fetched to say he has GOAT potential
But according to people on here, he's the best ever at everything on the court. His defense is the best, his offense is something we've never ever seen before.
who ever says that? seems you are being a bit hyperbolic
If he's the best player on the planet (which is a tough call because China has 300 Million basketball players alone), then the game is in bad shape. lebron is good, but he's not the best in my opinion.
again all your opinion here..
i guess my biggest question is..
if lebron isnt the greatest player ever...then where would you rank him overall as well as currently?
I will take kobe (and I hate Kobe) and Wade over him every day of the week and twice on Sunday.
you and me both..cant stand kobe...and for a while i had a hard time giving him full credit(i still think he's a slight bit overrated)...which is partly WHY i understand where you are coming from with lebron
i think with kobe's age that his time is done...he's a top 5 player..but he's regressing a little every year
thing about wade is,he's injury prone as heck, not nearly the shooter lebron is, although wade is very impressive on both sides of the ball and always shows up in the finals i guess
i think the biggest competition(my perception) against lebron right now is howard actually..
anywho, for me, i'd pick lebron in every aspect except probably the finals until he proves me other wise
i think the jury is still out on lebron..
we can argue about this until our hands fall off...but i dont think we are really going to change each other's opinions..agree to disagree
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