Because nbc thinks everyone wants to watch to figure skating.
I know my grams loves to watch figure skating.... always has.
I do not see any appeal in it.... even with some of the girls being cute.
I would rather watch women's hockey.
TBH I think alot of Winter sports share some common problems in terms of broadcast draw....
1. Many of the sports are point/judging based competitions where you beat your competitors based on how a judge scores you and/or the time/points you get from a run of some kind. So you are not competing head to head and you have no direct influence on how well your competitor does. I think in general people like this kind of competition less than stuff that is head to head like hockey or a race or curling.
2. In general the Winter sports seem to be less exciting... they have fewer moments of intense competition.... if you think back to 2016 Summer watching some of the swimming races.... those are intense at times. I can't think of many Winter sports with that potential.
I guess those 2 points are kinda overlapping, but you get it.
I am genuinely sitting here trying to think of 1 exciting moment in Winter Olympics that I've ever seen.
I can think of like 3-4 moments from 2016 and probably 4-6 Summer sports I enjoy watching.
I can think of 0 Winter moments and like 2-3 Winter sports I enjoy watching.... curling, hockey, and some of those speed skating races.