WWE/AEW & General Wrestling Thread


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Dec 30, 2014
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Personally, I don't see Orton facing Rollins AGAIN for a 4th PPV in a row (WM, ER, PB, then EC). I would expect Ambrose or Reigns to face him 1v1 before Orton does again. If I were to take a bet, I'd bet on Reigns being the challenger. Then maybe Ambrose vs Rollins at MITB, where the two fought for the briefcase last year, now fighting for the WWE World Heavyweight Championship.

Things are starting to come full circle at Payback, where is the last time the SHIELD were united. You have to wonder if they will tease some SHIELD stuff during the match. I'd mark out if a triple powerbomb was done on Orton. I know Payback is looking a lot like a Playback of ER, but I feel like WWE is up to something with that fatal 4-way, I cannot wait for it.


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Dec 31, 2014
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Personally, I don't see Orton facing Rollins AGAIN for a 4th PPV in a row (WM, ER, PB, then EC). I would expect Ambrose or Reigns to face him 1v1 before Orton does again. If I were to take a bet, I'd bet on Reigns being the challenger. Then maybe Ambrose vs Rollins at MITB, where the two fought for the briefcase last year, now fighting for the WWE World Heavyweight Championship.

Things are starting to come full circle at Payback, where is the last time the SHIELD were united. You have to wonder if they will tease some SHIELD stuff during the match. I'd mark out if a triple powerbomb was done on Orton. I know Payback is looking a lot like a Playback of ER, but I feel like WWE is up to something with that fatal 4-way, I cannot wait for it.

There are a lot of fantasy booking rumors that the shield will be reunited to be the new authority stable. I think thats a bad idea myself as an ambrose fan lol. I want ambrose to remain the lone wolf and dont want him in a stable again.


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Dec 30, 2014
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There are a lot of fantasy booking rumors that the shield will be reunited to be the new authority stable. I think thats a bad idea myself as an ambrose fan lol. I want ambrose to remain the lone wolf and dont want him in a stable again.

Yeah I do not want the SHIELD reunited either, at least not yet. I really like them on their own. I just see a lot of history between those 3 guys that cannot be denied during the fatal 4-way. There is a lot of great storyline potential that can come as a result of this match. IMO, I do not believe they reunite but seeds will be planted.
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Chief Walking Stick

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May 12, 2010
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Yeah I do not want the SHIELD reunited either, at least not yet. I really like them on their own. I just see a lot of history between those 3 guys that cannot be denied during the fatal 4-way. There is a lot of great storyline potential that can come as a result of this match. IMO, I do not believe they reunite but seeds will be planted.

The Shield reuniting is inevitable... just hope it doesn't happen until AT LEAST Survivor Series.

They need a heavy push on Ambrose to make them all maineventers then have a massive takeover of the Authority.


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Dec 31, 2014
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Samoa Joe rumoured to have signed a 2 year deal and will make his debut on NXTs Take Over On Wednesday night. Will probably be a short NXT stint then up to the main roster.

Never been a huge Joe fan but hes well respected in the wrestling community and has a massive indy following. Hes a good in ring worker but I personally have just never liked his mic or character work..pretty cliche stuff. Will be interesting how they book him and big news is its actually being reported that Vince is letting him keep his Samoa Joe name.


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Apr 16, 2013
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Samoa Joe rumoured to have signed a 2 year deal and will make his debut on NXTs Take Over On Wednesday night. Will probably be a short NXT stint then up to the main roster.

Never been a huge Joe fan but hes well respected in the wrestling community and has a massive indy following. Hes a good in ring worker but I personally have just never liked his mic or character work..pretty cliche stuff. Will be interesting how they book him and big news is its actually being reported that Vince is letting him keep his Samoa Joe name.

He cut a lot of weight. There is a pitcutre of him floating around and he looks kind of weird cause you are use to him being hefty. He isnt skinny, but kind of like Bubba Ray change.


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Dec 30, 2014
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He cut a lot of weight. There is a pitcutre of him floating around and he looks kind of weird cause you are use to him being hefty. He isnt skinny, but kind of like Bubba Ray change.

Yeah a lot of people are saying he is in the best shape of his life right now. I did not follow Samoa Joe very much, I saw a couple TNA matches here and there way back when. He will be awesome in NXT, and eventually I think he can be a great addition to the main roster. Anyone think they can do a Samoan stable with Naomi, Tamina, Usos, Joe, and Reigns?


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Dec 30, 2014
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I think in general stables are a thing of the past.

Yeah it is wishful thinking these days lol. You would think after epic matches with the SHIELD vs Wyatt Family or SHIELD vs Evolution, WWE would want to keep a few stables. Apparently, WWE bough the naming rights for Balor Club; sounds like a faction for Finn Balor for whenever he gets called up.


Apr 28, 2009
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Yeah it is wishful thinking these days lol. You would think after epic matches with the SHIELD vs Wyatt Family or SHIELD vs Evolution, WWE would want to keep a few stables. Apparently, WWE bough the naming rights for Balor Club; sounds like a faction for Finn Balor for whenever he gets called up.

Or his new Smackdown/Raw talk show


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Dec 31, 2014
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He cut a lot of weight. There is a pitcutre of him floating around and he looks kind of weird cause you are use to him being hefty. He isnt skinny, but kind of like Bubba Ray change.

Just saw the photo yah he looks different. Looks good. I never minded his look im not vince i dont need my wrestlers looking like roid junkies lol. I like a good fat wrestler esp when they are strong style wrestlers like Joe. But yah he looks like he dropped a lot of weight.

I hope he does show up on nxt on wed. Again its just a rumor that he will. Some fantasy bookings say that he will replace zayne in the main event against steen..eeer owens. Not sure about that but if zaynes shoulder cant go then maybe. Regardless its been advertised that something huge was going to happen at take over on wed so that has probably leant to the rumors. I would love to see a steen/joe match. Complete insanity of strong style beasts.

After thinking about it. Joe would be a great addition to the main roster. He could pretty much feud with everyone and get them over and himself. Just thinking about some of the programs they could build. He could match up really well with Cena actually and be the guy to take that belt off him eventually. Would still lend well to making that usa belt important and joe is good enough in ring to get the best out of cena. I would actually be very interested in that program.

Yah regarding stables...i always loved em and i miss em!! Horsemen are my fav of all time. I always need at least 4 people in a stable otherwise i dont really classify one as. Groups like the wyatts, the shield and even new day arent what i personally consider stables..but thats just me and my horseman ways. I wouldnt mind seeing a stable built around Joe. Not sure about the samoan stable though. Wwe will probably have to look into more stables though going forward. Their roster is getting pretty deep and thick. Going to need proper tv time for a lot of guys. No easier way to do that than building stables..big ones...heheheheh please. Not nwo big though..that got to crazy


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Dec 31, 2014
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I hope HHH turns on Rollins tonight for using the Pedigree.

Going to be a night of beat the clock matches for elimination chamber spots. Or at least that is what I heard. That means squash matches all night but the Authority probably gives Orton the tough match of the night. Bet you Big Show fucking rears his big fat ugly boring head tonight.

Chief Walking Stick

CCS Donator
May 12, 2010
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Going to be a night of beat the clock matches for elimination chamber spots. Or at least that is what I heard. That means squash matches all night but the Authority probably gives Orton the tough match of the night. Bet you Big Show fucking rears his big fat ugly boring head tonight.

I wish it was beat TCDs fucking face in night.


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Dec 30, 2014
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Did I hear R-Truth will be in the IC title EC match? Are you fucking kidding me? What does this guy do to continue to be in title matches? And Los Matadores over the Harper/Rowan for the Tag Team title EC match? I am sick to my stomach.
