You want more posters


Well-known member
Aug 14, 2010
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Out of respect for the poor souls who already commited internet suicide over this topic I have refrained from posting gifs, tits or ass in this thread.

Well then I guess we've already lost..

Seriously though I do try to keep it mostly football with a few odd ball raves and rants here and there. While it can be annoying when you are looking for just Bear news and tidbits the random insanity is what makes this board nice. I don't need anything dumbed down, moderated, filtered, policed, ect. I'm a grown ass man. If I see something I don't like I deal with it. In between all the bullshit there actually is a lot of quality football talk. This entire post is the epitome of whats wrong with America. Boo hoo, I don't like something so change it for me because my opinion is the only one that counts. **** you and your self entitled ass. If you want something go out there and create the environment you want. If you don't like something it's on you to change, whether that means find another board, take a lude and stay here, or end it all. We don't give a ****.


If someone has concerns about the site, they could contact the staff or even use the right section of the forum to discuss it.

But if you want to construct criticism, then please, by all means. Simply saying things aren't to your liking is not really helpful. We have posts on what people want to see in the right section. We have suggestion threads, and whatever I can personally implement (while being realistic) I do, as well as others. Not everything is can be done, you can't have your cake and eat it too, so to speak. But we do our best(and do it pro bono.)

Is it possible to hack the forum software so that users can click a plus/minus sign for each post and hide or show it, like there is for each forum section? Not as severe as ignoring a poster completely, but may help some users in those threads where discussion and trolling/off topic coexist.

I think the mods here do a pretty damn good job of balancing decent conversation with a decent amount of fun being allowed.
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Get rich, or try dying
Aug 21, 2012
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Charlotte, NC
My favorite teams
  1. Chicago Bears
You say "Special person"? Fuking asshole. Ever think some people here may have mentally disabled kids. You are the fuking problem and need to be banned

Yeah, don't be a Special person mongo potato, Remi.

Also, I'm pretty sure Omelet is a potato. He's defended them on multiple occasions. It's like the twist at the end of a M. Night Shyamalan movie. Turns out he's not an asshole, just a fucking half-wit.
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Three if by air
Staff member
Jun 25, 2010
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Next to the beef gristle mill
My favorite teams
  1. Chicago Bulls
Is it possible to hack the forum software so that users can click a plus/minus sign for each post and hide or show it, like there is for each forum section? Not as severe as ignoring a poster completely, but may help some users in those threads where discussion and trolling/off topic coexist.

I think the mods here do a pretty damn good job of balancing decent conversation with a decent amount of fun being allowed.

There was a mod like that IIRC, but it broke templates like no other. When a non-standard mod exists, that just makes updates all that harder for us(especially because we already deploy a number of non-standard mods.) But I'll look into it, or something along those lines. Ignore features, even semi-ignore, are pretty weak in vbulletin IMO. The analog ignore works best still anywhere on the internet.


There was a mod like that IIRC, but it broke templates like no other. When a non-standard mod exists, that just makes updates all that harder for us(especially because we already deploy a number of non-standard mods.) But I'll look into it, or something along those lines. Ignore features, even semi-ignore, are pretty weak in vbulletin IMO. The analog ignore works best still anywhere on the internet.

Analog ignore, lol.

I figured a mod like that would be something that might be more trouble than its worth. Seems there has been a thread or three like this on CBMB or CCS every year for almost a decade. The only change that has ever really happened was the CBMB closing down.



CCS Donator
Apr 24, 2010
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Is it possible to hack the forum software so that users can click a plus/minus sign for each post and hide or show it, like there is for each forum section? Not as severe as ignoring a poster completely, but may help some users in those threads where discussion and trolling/off topic coexist.

I think the mods here do a pretty damn good job of balancing decent conversation with a decent amount of fun being allowed.


First off trolling to a point is part of forums and will always exist. As long as it doesn't become threatening and racist and just good fun its ok.

People are going to debate. If there is no debate than there is no use of a message board.

Like in some sections there are a ton of people with one view and a few with a different view and since you aren't in the majority than people call it trolling, or try to push you out of the convo.

Im not in the bears section too often as I cannot stand seeing page 1 with 12 cutler threads. But I will check in more often.

If there is an issue I think most of us check our PMs all the time. Send them to active mods.



Nov 15, 2013
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INDIANa from Chicago
This palace is a joke. EVERY fucking thread ends in a shit storm. The mods have lost all control. I'm very happy I found another forum where I could actually read about the cuts without having to wade through sixty dumb ass gifs for every valuable thread.
Careful with your use of the term "Shit storm" people around here are sensitive about the term. Apparently it means one thing and one thing only. And there better be TANGIBLE EVIDENCE that there is really a shit storm happening or else Remydat will call this whole thread chicken little

BUT I still love this board there is a lot of football debate , and their is a lot of other random shit that breaks from the monotony of the long offseason. I think a lot of the gifs are funny , some are dumb. But you'll have that I don't do GIFs but they don't bother me. Sometimes there isn't enough BEARS NEWS to fill all the threads on page 1. I realize preseason is a hot topic but not 20 threads worth. It always regulates when the actual season starts, there just isn't enough news to talk about to keep people from fucking around and joking with others. Trolling is pretty bad (aaronitout) but a sweep of the pack and he is gone. But trolling will always be around on the interwebz. Try not to take the bait , I know I do sometimes , but mostly I can avoid the trap.

I have went to other forums and they are all pretty lame. I like this one ,always have. Simple solution is if ya don't , than find a new one that satisfies all of your standards. If their is such a place?? They are all inhabited by anonymous football fans who know they will never see each other face to face so anything can be said. My guess is you will find problems in all of them. I have met a lot of cool people here , I like the varying opinions, a person can completely irritate you but in the next thread make you laugh your ass off. This forum is very popular lots of members anytime you have that many personalities/opinions converging on a single topic it's bound to get off topic or at least cause an argument. If the other boards were this popular they would have all the same problems. CCS4EVER4EVERCCS

~newest member of Fales fan club ***will be punch and pie at next club meeting, open mic led by McGIBBLETS.:woot:
