No, no worries. I figured it would be tough. Especially with a major/ interest that isn't in that high of demand.
Well, it's just something that's interested me as well.
Second semester of my freshman year (Spring of '09), I took a Bioethics class, that was aimed towards pre-med students, like I had been at that time. So we discussed stuff like euthanasia, health insurance, and just the overall contributions of ethics to the medical field.
And it was a Theology class and the professor was/ is the Theology department head, so she twisted my arm into declaring a major with an emphasis on ethics. And at this time, I was still planning on doing medical school, so I figured that it would look good on a resume and also be a good GPA buffer.
Well, I still had to take a lot of Bible classes. And what I was learning was so much different from what I had been taught in Sunday school (I was raised Presbyterian/ Baptist). So it just led me to ask so many questions about what I believe(d) and why. So, I've basically just gone from pre-med, to ethics, to "theology" in a matter of a few years. And I just feel so strongly pulled towards it because of what I've learned and how it both answers questions about what I believe religiously, but also brings up more questions to answer in that same light.
And also being a Biology major, it really challenges me to think about how science and religion can coexist and what connections lie there. And there are a lot more than I initially thought there could be. And I guess I've found myself in fortunate place that I can say in my own heart that science and religion don't refute each other, but rather strengthen and support one another.
So in short, I guess why I chose Theology is because it's something that can't be answered. Like biology, chemistry, physics, etc. it's always expanding, growing, changing, and it's so open ended and can lead to some fascinating conversations about free will, predestination, morality, life after death, and all of that.