☆☆☆☆ CCS 2015 Forum Awards☆☆☆☆


CCS Hall of Fame
CCS Hall of Fame '19
Aug 21, 2012
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Only gifs.



CCS Donator
CCS Hall of Fame '20
Jan 4, 2011
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Most Valuable Poster(MVP) of the year: Clyde

Favorite Poster of the year: Spartan

Funniest Poster of the year: Ares

Rookie of the year: vinson

Meltdown Of the Year:biggie

Armchair GM of the year: Biff

Potato of the year: Tater...I don't know what this award is for... But I think I've seen a poster named tater

Meatball of the year: desbro

Worst Poster of the year: aaronitout

Most Sensitive poster of the year: he hate me

Best Mod of the year: clone

Worst Mod of the year: nvan

Biggest(Best) Troll of the year: ommy

Worst Troll of the year: tardigrade

Best Giffer of the year: nick

Best Avatar of the year:bears bud

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The new monk is a jerk. Monk how do you feel about josh mcdaniels?


Staff member
Apr 16, 2013
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Welp, I also voted you the worst mod. Mostly because its like you're a gimped mod with really no authority. Its more like they patted you on the head and said you could have the honorary title.

I'm ok with that

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Staff member
Apr 16, 2013
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I would vote for biff but that would make me a racist.

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FIFM, because stoned sarcasm doesn't always work.


Most Valuable Poster(MVP) of the year: tard69, because he just has a genuine sense of humour, and is the one poster here who is able to, and does, have casual conversations with almost anybody about almost anything. Like a combination of (and I mean this in the best way), early Dennis Miller, early Christopher Hitchens, the guy you went to high school with, and the neighbour you actually like.

I have to mention a lot of people here though, because they all keep me coming back:

hhm, nick, bearmick, spartan, ommy, botfly, lance, sculpt, monk, xero, wcl, pib, spear, number51, drgonzo, onebud, ft, jester,t j, shifty, nvan,t heapostate, gustav, bnb, jesushalaschrist, ruprecht, ijpt, cago, hbk, gpphat, iueyedoc, and even desbro and bearsbud. (a lot more to mention, but you can only whore for so many thanks in one post)

and to all you guys who have disappeared a bit from the boards into chatzy, I never enter there because I'm old, private to a fault, chatrooms aren't my forte, and I like everyone the way I know them on the forum.

Favorite Poster of the year: Urblock (I agree with Spartan here. Urblock seems to know who he is, and is totally cool with it. Not that I am presuming to know who he is. Just a bit jealous maybe.)

Funniest Poster of the year: HBK, (Ever since he learned how to post an image, combined with his Jack Kerouac/Jethro Bodine posting style, he is the guy who has made me actually lol the most.)

Rookie of the year: Because Douche isn't actually a rookie, Grimson. And because Grimson isn't actually a rookie, Douche. A scratch, I guess. Welcome fellas. :shifty:

Meltdown Of the Year: Biggie. I liked him and hope he's back posting under another name. If he is, peace.

Armchair GM of the year: _ _ _, for his one note, late in the game, continuous hatred of Cutler, and because I am starting to wonder if he is soothsayer from the cbmb, who did the same with Angelo. And while I am a fellow prog rock/fusion fan, Return to Forever? Really?

Potato of the year: BearSpud ... waits for pm calling me a mook or dick, or even better, some sort of Canadian jab.

Meatball of the year: WindyCity, mainly because he was so very manstrualphrenic for a period there.

Worst Poster of the year: EDUMB, #pharmopseudophilophobic*******

Most Sensitive poster of the year: Celks316's Stunt Double Pride

Best Mod of the year: Crys, because he keeps it all chuggging along, and is a fellow PKD fan.

DMelt gets metion because he is a dam good poster.

Worst Mod of the year: X, because he's been absent with good reason, and I wanted to mention him so I could wish him and his family the best for the New Year.

Biggest(Best) Troll of the year: HHM. Deft. Skilled. A modern day Renaissance Man. The Enlightened Brute Samaritan, so to speak. A permaban would be cause for everyone to go full giantpanda/firefox/bearsmod1/winning. (Spear came on strong in recent weeks, out of the blue)

Worst Troll of the year: Cago, because he actually isn't a troll, has a huge heart, and I wanted him to get a vote that wasn't a conglomeration of names.

-Dick's Stunt Double gets a minor mention, because when he does troll, I'm not sure if he knows it. ;)

Best Giffer of the year: I don't want to be a deciding factor between Nick and HBK, and Lance's style of posting gifs is a completely different concern that cannot be addressed in a silly popularity poll. I have to give my vote to DoubleDown. His references can be difficult to catch. He's subtle. I admit, I don't get most of his references. But when I do think I have followed his train of thought, the journey there is always entertaining.

Best Avatar of the year:
partly because it opened a door most thought was shut.

HHM is right. Added a couple of names.

Also want to add that fucker prgray to the list of those who should post here again.

I mentioned one poster in here 4 goddam times. He should now how important he is to my enjoyment here.
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Chief Walking Stick

Heeeh heeeeh he said POLES
May 12, 2010
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HHM is right. Added a couple of names.

Also want to add that fucker prgray to the list of those who should post here again.

I mentioned one poster in here 3 goddam times. He should now how important he is to my enjoyment here.



I hate acronyms
Oct 17, 2010
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Greenville, NC
The new monk is a jerk. Monk how do you feel about josh mcdaniels?

That was mostly for your trolling news threads. Love josh. Tebowmania my friend

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