Yep, and that double coverage created a turnover
Is the one that created it the DPI one or the other one?
There is no reason for CW to not throw that ball. It wasn't double coverage. It was single coverage that should've been flagged and the guy he batted the ball to.
I’ve been watching bad bear football since 1985. I’m happy we had Hester. Dude, Green Bay no longer has Rogers lost his replacement and a guy off the street has won more than CW. I want wins
Aww poor baby. Maybe you need a participation trophy so you can see what it feels like to win.
I'm a real Boomer and watching the Bears mostly suck in the early 80s, liking the Bears from '85. Mostly ignoring the Bears suck until '05.
I mostly blame the fans like you who are clueless about what it takes to be a good football team.
You have put this blind seal of approval on the Bears. As long as they have a defense you're happy to lose even if you claim you want wins.
Blaming everything on the QB is not how you get wins. It is how you be a moronic Bears fan.
"Ohhh noes! Our rookie QB had a turnover. We need a QB like the wonderful Brett Favre."
As a whole Bears have the dumbest fans ever. And you're one of the ones that gives them that title.