I posted lesser version of Baez. Doesn’t take walks. But 35 HR vs 5 HR qualifies as lesser. Not a bad thing but I was looking at a plus tool that is missing and Billy Hamilton has it. Pretty much everyone here gushes over Gore speed. Why not have that tool everyday with out losing any D?
The line up I posted would be a nightmare to face. Billy getting the least AB’s due to OBA. But a nightmare on base for Rizzo’s AB’s when he is on base.
On Wade: never said much on him. My opinion: was thrifty of Theo to go with Morrow. Then bad judgement on Chatwood. That cash spent really didnt pay off. You knew going in that Chatwood was a Col pitcher and honestly was meh. Low 90’s arm. Change of environment caused his mechanics to fail. He is still not a lost cause but Ill advised signing. Fixed who knows, could end up another Dempster.
Morrow they knew that they would get get a discount. If he was a stable factor going in he would have gotten more. They paid for it. I still like the signing but they need a durable closer and to have him as a weapon to limit his injury risk. I really can’t speak I’ll of the guy. He was nails when he was in.
Well, because Hamilton has never really been that guy in Cincinatti. I dont always agree with JD on the broadcasts, but he mentioned plenty of times that Cincinatti should utilize the tool of Hamilton in a game deciding situation, which means bench him. It has always been the flaw of Hamilton that he cannot get on base enough to be that consistent weapon. I dont know what changes with him coming here and watching the multi millionaires grounding into the shift.
Now, I have no clue why Joe will not put Javy in that destructive baserunner role up in the lineup, other than the big boys are not delivering enough. I am sure people would jizz their underpants if Javy had 50 walks, even if he only hit 20 home runs and only drove in 80.
We just know there were plenty of people running Javy out of town before this season. I dont think its too much to think that Almora and Happ could turn their games around too. Almora is the only other guy on this team with the fire of Javy right now and are going to be the only 2 "affordable" guys next year.
Chatwood, yeah, you gotta look at Colorado and say, this dude would be better if half his starts were not in Colorado. I did not think we needed a guy we had to google as a rotation arm.
Two weeks ago I was told there was no fucking way Heyward was going to be starting in Center field during the playoffs. He is the key to moving this team forward. Whether its handcuffing our future with Harper, or Machado, I really do not know. I would be fine starting the year with Zobrist, Happ and Bote as the options for Second base and leaving Javy at SS and keeping KB at third.
How nice would it have been to be penciling in Eloy in right next season?