Thank you for getting this thread back on track.....But, I respectfully disagree with a few of your points...I think that Pete Myer was better than Bogans..he could take it to the hole and shoot from anywhere, but he played his roll perfectly and was a very good defender...I also feel the 94 bench was deeper...We had scott william, tony kucoc, steve kerr, will perdue, bill wennington, luc longley, jo jo english, john paxson,corie 4 of our bench players were very experianced with 3 championship rings of there own...Plus 94's starting line up trumps the 11 lineup in all positions except for Rose-Armstrong...But keep in mind that B.J Armstrong was one of the top shooter in the league in 94 and a better defender than Rose...Rose does win that matchup against armstrong,but I'm pretty sure Phil Jackson would put Pippen on Rose and move armstrong to the 2guard position..Maybe even start Kucoc at small forward..With moving pippen to point guard, armstrong to 2guard and starting kucoc at smallforawrd, that would make the 94 starting lineup trump the 2011 lineup 5 -0....Even though I stated over and over againt that the 94 team wins the series 4-1, they could actually sweep the 2011 Bulls with the lineup moves........Just my personal oppinion and I stand on it......