1st RD QB does not = SB Ring


1st round is a bit too vague and wide IMO...

I'd like to see the numbers for those drafted top 3 or even 5.....

going back a lil further than 30 years..since 1982 there are a total of 5 in the top 5

P, Manning, E manning, Troy Aikman, and Elway were all pick 1

Jim McMahon was pick 5


OK then, please advise. Where should the Bears next QB come from? Or is this just more shitposting?

well looking at non first rd qbs i can think of off hand over the last 30 years...

Tom Brady, Kurt Warner, Brett Favre, Drew Brees, Russell Wilson, Mark Rypien, Jeff Hostetler, and Brad Johnson... did i miss any?? idk?? if not.. so 8 non 1st rd champs vs 7 1st round champs

what am i trying to say?? im juss saying
where do i think the next qb should come from?? idk

edit i forgot brad johnson

Chicago Staleys

Sep 24, 2012
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In the last ten years only one QB taken in the first rd has won a SB... that super super elite qb name is Joe Flacco...

its 7 sb winning QBs..... if you go back 30 years

83 was one of the best 1st rd qb classes ever. only 1 guy was a SB champion - Elway

juss saying

edit: 7 not 6.. forgot dilfer was a 1st rder

You are explaining this wrong and its causing confusion. However your observation is right.

It should be:
In the last 10 drafts only one QB was drafted in the first round that went on to win a Super Bowl or One QB drafted in the first round of the last 10 years has won a SB. (Joe Flacco)

A fact:
Winning Super Bowl quarterbacks have been drafted in the first round 53 percent of the time. (27 of 51)

In the last 30 Super Bowls 10 QBS drafted in the first round have won a SB. (Combining for a total of 16 wins)
In the last 10 Super Bowls 5 Qbs drafted in the first round have won a SB. (Combining for a total of 6 wins)

The last 30 Super Bowls won by a 1st rd QB

D. Williams (1) - Steve Young (1) - T. Aikman (3) - J. Elway (2) - T. Dilfer (1) - B. Roethlisberger (2) - P. Manning (2) - E. Manning (2) - A. Rodgers (1) - J. Flacco (1)

Tom Brady individually blows up the facts of a 1st rd QB winning the Super Bowl. In every single AFC Championship game he won, his team faced a 1st rd QB. In 2 Super Bowls wins his team faced a 1st rd QB.

Brady and Montana combined 7 wins in the last 30 Super Bowls which helps even the scale of 1st Rd vs. non-1st rd. However, 1st rd QBs in the last 30 Super Bowls have won 53% of the games even with the dominance of Brady.


CCS Hall of Fame
CCS Hall of Fame '19
Dec 12, 2011
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How many QBs drafted in the 2nd or 3rd round in the last 10 years have won a Super Bowl? 1.

Why? Because the same 4 guys keep winning every damn Super Bowl.

If the Bears draft Deshaun Watson and then he wins the Super Bowl 8 years into his Career I will be very happy.

Chicago Staleys

Sep 24, 2012
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OP, since the year 1997 (20 years) how many first round qbs have played in a SB?

In the last 20 Super Bowls a first 1st round Qb appeared 21 times.

1996 Drew Bledsoe
1997 John Elway
1998 John Elway
1999 Steve McNair
2000 Trent Dilfer & Kerry Collins
2001 None
2002 None
2003 None
2004 Donovan McNabb
2005 Ben Roethlisberger
2006 Peyton Manning & Rex Grossman
2007 Eli Manning
2008 Ben Roethlisberger
2009 Peyton Manning
2010 Aaron Rodgers & Ben Roethlisberger
2011 Eli Manning
2012 Joe Flacco
2013 Peyton Manning
2014 None
2015 Peyton Manning & Cam Newton
2016 Matt Ryan


However your observation is right.

thanks.. i agree... only 7 qbs drafted since 87 have become a sb champ... da truth...

qbs have been drafted in the first ever year but two since 87.. so many qbs.. new qbs every year.. 1st rd qbs... yet in that same time period more qbs became a champions as non 1st rd picks than 1st rd picks did..

what is 7 1st rd champs over 30 years equate to % wise.. hmmm there were 70 total 1st rd qb chosen over this time.. my maths aint that good... but 10% became a champ..

btw steve young came via the usfl in a supplemental draft..


In the last 20 Super Bowls a first 1st round Qb appeared 21 times.

1996 Drew Bledsoe
1997 John Elway
1998 John Elway
1999 Steve McNair
2000 Trent Dilfer & Kerry Collins
2001 None
2002 None
2003 None
2004 Donovan McNabb
2005 Ben Roethlisberger
2006 Peyton Manning & Rex Grossman
2007 Eli Manning
2008 Ben Roethlisberger
2009 Peyton Manning
2010 Aaron Rodgers & Ben Roethlisberger
2011 Eli Manning
2012 Joe Flacco
2013 Peyton Manning
2014 None
2015 Peyton Manning & Cam Newton
2016 Matt Ryan

nice excuse..excuses arent needed...

does this change the number of 1st rd QB champions actually drafted in the last 30 years being 7?? nope...


How many QBs drafted in the 2nd or 3rd round in the last 10 years have won a Super Bowl? 1.

Because the same 4 guys keep winning every damn Super Bowl.

but new cant miss qbs come every year.. every year... i cant help it if only 7 1st rd qb over the last 30 years became a sb champ....

Chicago Staleys

Sep 24, 2012
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i never asked a question...

just stated a fact you cannot refute..

that only 7 qbs drafted in the first in the last 30 years became a SB champion.

Sigh, I wasn't answering your question. Look at my post and the quoted post by r1terrell23.

40% of the last 30 Super Bowls were won by a 1st rd QB. (drafted in the same time)
70% of the last 30 Super Bowls were played by a 1st rd QB (drafted in the same time)

I'm not disputing your observations, however, I believe you are viewing this in a vacuum.

BTW I too believe the Bears should pass on a QB with #3 in this years draft.


Sigh, I wasn't answering your question. Look at my post and the quoted post by r1terrell23.

40% of the last 30 Super Bowls were won by a 1st rd QB.

I'm not disputing your observations, however, I believe you are viewing this in a vacuum.

BTW I too believe the Bears should pass on a QB with #3 in this years draft.

im viewing this for what it is... that only 7 qbs drafted in the first rd over the last 30 years became a champ..

so.. you can try and skew the data to make things look purrty..

but the fact is...

there has only been 7 champion qbs taken in the first rd in the last 30 years..

run and shoot

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In the last ten years only one QB taken in the first rd has won a SB... that super super elite qb name is Joe Flacco...

its 7 sb winning QBs..... if you go back 30 years

83 was one of the best 1st rd qb classes ever. only 1 guy was a SB champion - Elway

juss saying

edit: 7 not 6.. forgot dilfer was a 1st rder

how many 1st RD QB's have made it to the SB....that's the larger question. Heck if ya knew a Qb was gonna win the SB, then I want that person to give me lotto#'a

run and shoot

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Heck if ya knew a Qb was gonna win the SB, then I want that person to give me lotto#'s

run and shoot

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There's NO shame in Qb getting to the SB and losing. In my mind Ryan did what he was drafted to do. Even Rex Grossman did what he was drafted to do.

run and shoot

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pick three.. guaranteed. date of the draw.. be more specific next time... but 1-8-5 will win..

lol....u want to push the ALL or nothing mantra for drafting a Qb who will win a SB.....then produce ALL the 6 lotto #'s.


There's NO shame in Qb getting to the SB and losing. In mind Ryan did what he was drafted to do. Even Rex Grossman did what he was drafted to do.

shames got nothing to do with what im saying...

all im juss saying and continue to say is....

there has only been 7 champion qbs taken in the first rd in the last 30 years..

but i also brought up..

8 non 1st rd qbs became champions in the same time frame....

juss saying
