[quote name="tvltre"]
[quote name="R K"]
[quote name="tvltre"]So, if it is so apparent, why hasn't the Chicago media jumped on this? Why was it brushed under the rug? Does Mcdumbass really have that much pull with the Chicago outlets?[/quote]
They did, and Josh Mora was fired and now works in Florida.
The "other" media could give a fucking shit and are on for the Bandwagon.
Guys like Rohn suck Mcdonoughs **** so why would they even contemplate shit like this? Guys like Jim Rose are just dumb fucks to begin with. That's the main stream media. Guys like Kuc and Sassone follow the team, so probably do a lot of biting their own lip instead of always typing what they are thinking for believe is true.
Klem you should post that over there in the Tallon thread so that maybe "Hawk Mod" might pull his head out of his fucking ass. At least until Adam see's and DELETES it as for fear Jackass or minions might read what's speculated on the truth.[/quote]
Well, if we know about this and it's been stated in other outside media forums...is it that the bandwagon jumpers just don't give a shit and will turn a blind eye to let this moron continue is propaganda?
then that pic of McDouch with the hitler stach was perfect.[/quote]
Why would they give a shit? Only the die hards would care either way because we were the ones struggling through them rebuilding the team on the ice. These "new" fans hopped on a winner and will be gone as soon as they are no longer a winner. It happens with every team, the Hawks are no different.
Mcdonough did what he was supposed to, and by winning the TEAM gave him the avenue. Because with NO winning product, marketing a loser is pretty god damn hard unless you're franchise is named the Chicago Cubs. (and no I'm not dissing the Cubs, just stating a fact).
The media that know probably like the access they have to cover the team and know exactly what crossing the line to far will get you. Other media don't give a shit, which is the main stream. You know like Rohn, Rose, Paula, Grecco (who says he's a true fan but was NEVER there when we sucked, he's a liar). Those guys are "bandwagon media". Hop on when things are well, give a blurb at the end of the sports cast when they aren't. What's funny is most of them don't know HALF as much about the game as 90% of this board and try to "report" like they do. Darryl Hawks <sp> from NBC is hilarious. He tries to report like he actually has followed the sport his entire life but you can tell he's completely fucking clueless when it comes to the game.
Also I would classify Rohn and Rozner in a special "dick sucking" group. Those two are so busy blowing the nob of the benevolent one, they could care less what he does. The saddest of the "journalists" IMO.