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HW, I know that you said you've coached before ( probably are doing it now for all I know -it wouldn't be that surprising really).
So I know that you know this one; my first coach (and granted I only started actually playing organised hockey when I was about 24) was:
A GOAL IS AS GOOD AS AN ASSIST ... anyone suggesting anything different or any variation on that is wrong. And I mean so fundimentally wrong, that I don't really think it merited a direct response- although I do get that there is the concept of you don't want any potentially impressionable kids that might play hockey getting led astray by whatever that was.
Otoh, if one were to buy into this entire line of dicussion (based upon some idiotic Eklund rumour), it would be possible to point out that -Mr Campbell (who apparently gets put on pedastals), happens to be the quintessential "point shooting stat padder" -which is about as "real" as Puff the Magic Dragon ... but you know whatever... I mean look at the stats (ironic how stats get chucked out there -continually -and I don't know why, because they never seem to read to me as conclusively as what they get portrayed as .... but I mean think about it - a guy who gets about 50 points a season and always scores less than 10 goals a year .... somehow that guy gets a pass in the great "stat padding defencemen shooting from the point" debating point...
Ahh yes, but it brings the vision of those upstanding honourable forwards that all of a sudden decide (during the middle of a game).... to pull up, stop -and shout back at the point: "Hey YOU!!! Yeah YOU, the Defenceman guy with the point shot.... #$@& You, score your own %^#$ed goal, as I am not even going to be tipping that ^%t in any more for you .... you lazy no good point whoring, can't do it on your own guy.
(Mind you that's copyrighted now - so if any of you go selling that to any Canadian comedy folks - I want a royalty).
But man, come on. This transcended ridiculousness , even "Rediculousness" a long time back - please make it stop ... take the bad baiting man away... :wah:
2 goals and 22 assists. give me a break. yeah his stats are skewd at all.