It could be both--trying to be the bloody ray of fucking sunshine I am

. Remember, the 'hawks team D is so bad that in 2017/2018 it took Crawford posting a .929 just to keep them at the wildcard line. Now, it's worse than it was ~2 seasons ago.
One of the youth netminders could very well take the reins and post something like a .915 (starter average since 2005/2006), but we can still completely tank because of the onslaught of shots they face.
The other thing to consider a bit longer-term is that one season does not make a goalie's career. Niemi has an "okay" 1st season, a great 2nd one, and then completely petered out. Crawford had a good 1st season, a bad 2nd one, and then went 7 seasons without a bad one (including 2 Jennings). Even if, say, Delia comes in and posts a good season considering the defensive mess in front of him it could still be an anomaly, not an indication.