[quote name="supraman"]
[quote name="MassHavoc"]
[quote name="supraman"]RK is so having McPimp sign the hat.
Okay guys serious paranoid question. If I shave my playoff beard (it is getting annoying) are the hawks going to lose because of me? Can I trim it to a managable length without causing serious harm to the hawks?[/quote]
FUUUUCcckkk I forgot about that, **** McD... I hope even RK isn't that mean.
You can man scape it which means clean up areas around where the beard is, I wouldn't physically trim the whole thing as that I believe is against the "rules", if you are getting tired of it just make sure you cut it after tonights game. That way you can pretend to start a new one.
Having said that, meh, if you want to shave it just shave it. We are winning the cup either way.[/quote]
Alrigth so I'd be safe with trimming the stache down to a managable level? Damn thing is too long and is driving me nuts. Rest of the beard meh dont bother me.[/quote]
I would think trimming the 'stache so you don't have to adipt the feeding method of a ballen whale would be allowed.
the rest...ZZtop it