[quote name="Tater"]What a game! The Hawks break out was too fast for the camera guys to keep up with.
I loved that they kept showing the "not in our house" sign because actually, YES, in you house...... TWICE!!!
And Roenick can kiss my ass for saying that the Sharks fans are so great and they deserve a cup. **** YOU.
P.S. The new poster named Jaws sure disappeared fast.[/quote]
Did he even bother to register on the new boards? I suspect that's why he hasn't been back around or I'm completely off and he has nothing to say. Shame too since he seemed like a decent guy that just wanted to talk hockey.
On one hand I agree with you on JR but on the other I disagree I think JR is still bothered by how his situation in Chicago was handled and I know he has tons of respect for, I think, Doug Wilson who was the only guy left willing to give him a shot so I think that factors in a lot.
I dunno Tater I still find it to be a tragedy that he never got a cup. He was a damn good player and was certainly deserving of a cup.
As for the camera guy, keep up dude. Also why do all these teams, except Nashville, actually try to play run and gun hockey with us? The hawks are simply the best run and gun team around, even the Crapitals wouldn't keep up, our scoring is 3 to 4 lines deep, most teams only go 2 deep.