There are a list of steps that need to be followed, in order to boost the economy properly, and not with bandaid fixes. Cutting spending is step one. Cutting the fat is number two. If you can do both at the same time, more power to you, but it's not possible because you can't fund the fat, and expect to cut it. While it sounds like the same thing, it's actually 2 different issues.
If you cut the money going into the special interest groups, the special interest groups have to make their own money. So if people really don't give a rats ass about a special interest, they wont fund it through private funds and/or charity. Those special interests die off, instead of keeping them on life support, while granting them special powers and privileges over normal Americans.
This helps the economy significantly because a lot of the leaders in special interest are some of the best entrepreneurs. These individuals can form legit businesses, and live by the rules of the market. They succeed and fail based on the quality of their services and goods, while paying taxes like everyone else. 1/3rd of the entire nation is owned by the government, and 50% of that is run by special interest, meaning tax exempt or they get heavy tax breaks. For what? Their own special interest, and not the interests of the majority. Yes, I care about finding a cure for rare diseases, but I care more about being able to do something myself, and in order to have that motivation and opportunity, I need less restrictions on my own harmless activity.
I dislike the ideas that support any laws to fight actions that hurt others, while at the same time hurt absolutely everyone in the process some way, some how.
Nothing has to be written. That's the best part about decriminalizing any good. If you decriminalize it first, you can always regulate it later, but you can't regulate it and work your way backwards anywhere near as efficiently. Better yet, decriminalizing a good allows the states to execute their 10th amendment rights, this way you can have more social experiments within the tolerance of communities that demonstrates what works, and what doesn't. Going straight to Washington is just pure gridlock.