How would guys like Torres, Orpic and Cooke have been received back in the 80s and 90s?
Trying to picture what happens to a player like Torres when he runs Hossa and you have Bob Probert in his prime skating for the Hawks.
Cooke might not have been in the league in the 80's or much of the 90's. Too small not sure if many teams would have taken a chance on him. But he has been in the league a long time regardless so you never know. If he pulled the shit he does on someone like Wayner not only would have McSorely made sure it didnt happen again but the league would have tossed him. Depends on who he did his shit on. But nobody touched Wayner that was rule #1 by the league and by Marty and Dave Semenko ontop of that. People tried...oh how people tried.
Otherwise it would all be about retaliation hits. Guys like Orpik, Cooke, etc would expect the same in return.

Happened all the time. You dirty hit someone you get dirty hit back. That's just the way it was for good and bad. Doesn't matter if it stopped the on ice dirtiness the fact is if you are going to give someone a hip injury then expect to have to deal with one yourself. If you like life long hip injuries good for you if you don't like em then it actually did make a player think twice.